skipping cleaner fluid / hd cleanse after IPA wipedown

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by xxterxx, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. xxterxx

    xxterxx Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I never really understands the logic behind cleaner fluid / HD cleanse..

    Isn't the paint as clean as it is after IPA wipedown after polishing ? How would another type of oil help the wax which has oil in it bond better?

    Marketing gimmick? or is there any explanation to this?

    to me HD cleanse / Cleaner fluid is probably a step that is a pain in the ass and yield no significant result whatsoever in my opinion
  2. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Well. You have a point. However, some paint cleansers contain mild abrasives that can mildly polish the surface.

    But I think it's pointless if you use it pre-LSP after a paint correction.
  3. scheerspeed

    scheerspeed DB Forum Supporter

    In the Swissvax process, the cleaner fluid is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL AND NECESSARY because it provides a foundation for the wax to adhere to. Sure, an IPA wipe leaves the paint immaculately clean, however It fails to nourish the paint. For example, Cleaner Fluid Regular contains no abrasives, however still manages to remove oxidation and leave an incredible gloss, which the wax just makes better! Cleaner Fluid Medium contains a slight abrasive, so it's a little better for lightly marred cars, or. If you have heavier oxidation.

    A paint surface is naturally porous, what the cleaner fluid does is nourish the entire paint surface, creating a more level (somewhat) and nourished finish in which the wax can make a more perfect contact with "fresh", unoxidized paint.

    I've been sung exclusively Swissvax for almost a year now, and I would NEVER skip applying cleaner fluid for a few reasons: a less perfect finish that's not as optical clear, less durability of the wax layer, and overall a lesser result.

    I haven't much to say about HD Cleanse because last time I used the product was years ago, however I would assume they have a similar philosophy to Swissvax.

    Additionally, Cleaner Fluid must only be applied at least once every 6-12 months depending on the use of the car and how well the wax layer is maintained. In-between cleaner fluid applications you can apply as many coats of wax as you'd like.

    Put it this way, if you still don't believe in the benefits of cleaner fluid, save yourself the time and money on a wax and just apply Nano Express to your car monthly, as you won't get much more than a month of durability with wax coat without prior initial application of Cleaner fluid anyways.

  4. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    I wonder how I have been getting along all these years........................polishing paint till it is finished down then a ISO wipedown just to make sure, I am not sure what I am going to do now?? . :shakehead:

    Just a little confused with the part where you mention cleaner fluid has no abrasives but SOMEHOW is able to remove oxidation...........some clarifacation on this particular point would be much appreciated.
  5. JSF721

    JSF721 Jedi Nuba

    IMHO were all drinking the Kool-Aid on some of this stuff! No Offense and I might be wrong but I am with Bob on this one.
  6. xxterxx

    xxterxx Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    i think cleaner fluid medium doesnt contain abrasives... its just fillers to scratches.... spray it with IPA and scratches are back...

    i have never used the strong though
  7. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Cleaner fluid DOES look good. The only reason to use in my opinion.

    DJBAILEY Birth of a Detailer

    Some very expensive kool-aid at that. The prices of those little bottles of cleaner fluid are ridiculous. BLACKFIRE Gloss Enhancing Polish looks as good. Does the same thing. I hate it when people talk about 'nourishing' the paint unless they are talking about single stage paint. I doubt there is any 'nourishing' going on with clearcoat. Especially 'nourishing' shampoos that somehow nourish the clearcoat through your sealant. Its all just stuff that sits on top to give a look.
  9. Addicted2Shine

    Addicted2Shine Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Cleaner Fluid does work as SV wax bonding agents.Case closed :D
  10. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Question: I have Cleaner Fluid Professional, which does have abrasives in it. It's quite similiar to 85RD, although not identical in my opinion. Either way, do I still need to follow up (technically) with Cleaner Fluid before applying a Swissvax wax? I wouldn't think so, right?
  11. Addicted2Shine

    Addicted2Shine Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I don't think we're need others CF.Since regular are the only one that had bonding agents in it.The others are basically just normal abrasives polish...
  12. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Why does a wax require a bonding agent, one of the reasons a polymer is included is that it helps the wax bond to the paint or another polymer (i.e. sealant)
  13. EbbeJ

    EbbeJ Jedi Nuba

    - No need to follow up the CFP with regular CF before waxing, you just need to make sure that the polish residue is properly removed. The Micro-Polish cloths are great as a final whipe before waxing. CFP is not the same as 85RD, it's got longer working time and the residue is almost invisible when fully broken down, and I find the finish a bit different too, a deeper look than 85RD, not as bright.

    Kind regards,

  14. Addicted2Shine

    Addicted2Shine Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Dunno mate,but CFR did provide or help the wax getting better durability.And yes i've heard about it too,CFP doesn't require CFR application after using it.Thanks for the info and clarification:)

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