Has Pre Wow improved the overall longevity of Black Wow. Prep for BW has always been key for me, so I've always done a steamer wash with a thorough scrubbing followed by Prepsol Wipedown before applying Black Wow. I'm curious is Pre Wow has changed how you apply Black wow
I stopped using black wow. With the likes of c4 and the Wolf's nano trim I'm covered. The pre-wow works rather well though even though it leaves a greasy residue on the surface.
I haven't used it enough to come to a conclusion...however, don't let the wetted down look of PW fool you. It still needs to dry out before you apply the BW.
So far I like mine, I did one of my mirrors with prewow and black wow and one with just black wow and the prewow'ed one looks almost as good as the day I applied it. Gonna use it some more but so far I like it, cant tell you if its worth the price so far but it seems to help with the longevity.