Help With Method Applying/Removing LSP

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by freefallin2000, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. freefallin2000

    freefallin2000 Birth of a Detailer

    After recently detailing a friends 07 white SIlverado, I have some questions. I chose DG 105 as my LSP. For some reason (and this is nearly every time I have applied and kind of LSP, regardless of wax or sealant) I cant seem to get it down. I used the yellow foam disk applicator I purchased at my local auto parts store. I began by using 2 small drops. I then proceeded to move in a circular motion over the paint. I noticed it may have been running thing to where I couldnt even see it going onto the paint. After I applied it to the entire truck, I started buffing off with a CG Fluffer MF towel. It did not come off easy in a lot of spots and seemed that no matter how hard I rubbed, it left behind product that seemed I could only remove by running my finger over it gently.

    What is going on with my technique? My process I thought was "by the book" if you will, but I feel like I am using too much product (20 drops) for the vehicles in question. I would appreciate any help/guidance on this topic.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Perfections

    Perfections Birth of a Detailer

    As with most any lsp, thin is how you wanna apply it, those spots that are harder to remove is probably where you applied a tad more pressure releasing just a tad more product, with most lsp's if your not able to remove it, reapply another thin layer of the same product right on top of it, then try removing it again :)
  3. mato

    mato Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Are you applying it in direct sunlight?
  4. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Correct me if I'm wrong but application in a circular motion is not what you want to do.
  5. freefallin2000

    freefallin2000 Birth of a Detailer

    I thought you were suppose to apply it in a circular motion? Maybe this is the flaw I am running into. No, not applying it in the direct sunlight, usually in my garage. But I am going to try the PC method next time I apply and LSP.
  6. Rcrew

    Rcrew Wax on..Wax off

    Tell us a bit more about your prep process.
    How did you wash?
    Did you clay?
    Any paint correction?
  7. JohnnyT

    JohnnyT Virgin Detailer

    I think part of the problem is that you applied it to the entire tuck before starting to remove it. You're leaving it on too long. Do one body panel, then do another, then go back to the first to remove, then do another, then back to the second to remove, etc, etc.

    Putting it on thin is a HUGE key as well, as others have said.

    Personally I absolutely love Collinite 845
  8. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Another question I suppose would come up is how thin is 'thin'?

    Like so it's mainly clear instead of showing white?
  9. nothelle

    nothelle Birth of a Detailer

    With a clean applicator and panel, circular or straight motion should be irrelevant... just keep it thin and spread evenly and buffing should be easy. Even Megs M16 or Colli 915 buff quite easy with thin application, the only waxes that are PITA to buff are migliore waxes...

    My method (work with liquid or paste): use D/A and 4" gold LC pad on speed 2/3 with just the machine weight onto the panel- keep it nice, thin and guarantee even application and ez buff. How thin? just wipe your pad onto the clear window, if you can still see smear then it's good to go. Another thing i observed, the LC gold pad can reduce the amount of LSP being used (something about denser pore?). I manage to use only 10ml of liquid waxes and probably 2 moderate swipes for paste waxes to do a medium size mpv

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