First of all I'd like to thank the people who helped me in this detail, fellow forum member kaisernaut (Who helped me detail this car), Mike from Auto Aesthetica and Richard from Black Wow, who gave me good pointers. The vehicle is a 2010 Obsidian Black Subaru WRX hatch, we started at 9am and wrapped it up by 11:30pm, so no sun shots from me. However, kaisernaut is taking sun shots of it today since the client lives close to him. I don't remember everything that was used, so I'll let kaisernaut list the items, here are my before/after pictures enjoy! Before: Me n Kaisernaut has no idea what this is, client said it just popped up like that one day: After (Only 3 shots, awaiting sun shots from kaisernaut later today)
I feel you guys pain too. Since the obsidian black for subaru is so soft, me n kaisernaut had to use a water based polish (oil based takes too much effort to wipe off residue). To my surprise, Swissvax Cleaner Fluid Professional with Pakshak ultra edgeless towels were the PERFECT COMBO to tackle that color.
Actually, I used LC CCS White + SV Cleaner Fluid Professional, and I hit the pad with 1 spray of QD (In thise case, ONR) everytime. It worked like a charm! kaisernaut played with all sorts of combo since I was hogging the SV, lol.
Prima swirl worked horribly on Subaru's obsidian black, it is too soft for that. Hell, I even tried a custom made Prima finish, made specifically for the new Nissan GT-R, and it still worked horribly on the Subaru.
It is a very expensive polish, $114 for 16oz I believe. However, it worked on Obsidian black like a charm. Oil based polishes aren't good for Subaru clears, the oil gets too thick on the clear coat, and it requires some effort to wipe off, but if you wipe it off too hard, it mars the crap out of the clear. I was getting 75%-80% correction on every single panel, it was so fast and easy too. Primed the pad with 1 spray of QD, 2 half dime size drops of Pro Cleaner Fluid, and 2 passes (Yes, literally 2 passes, horizontal then vertical), wipe off polish residue, and done!
that is what I was having problems with the Menzerna SIP and Superfinish.........the power finish did not seem to have that issue. call me tomorrow. LOL 114.00 is not too bad, may be worth it for my car but I really didn't have that many issues with PF, what I had issues with was halograms.......
Yeah man we'll talk tomorrow. You using a Rotary on your car or DA? DA works the best with Subaru paint.
This is the worst color I've ever had to work on too. We can all empathize with your pain. Unluckily for me, my friends are all Subaru nuts like me, hahaha.
I feel for you man, lol. I now have new found respect for all the detailers who have taken on and successfully corrected Subaru of any kind.
hmm i did my friends subaru same color. I did a green Uber pad and 205 and it worked like a charm. And like you said it was very quick, just 2 passes and done.