bryansbestwax vs Black Mazda3

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by bryansbestwax, May 30, 2011.

  1. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Well, yet another black Japanese car for me to polish. Seems like all cars are black nowadays, which is fine, because the results look that much better when they are finished. The car was repainted last year and the owner wanted to sharpen the paint up, and see it at its full potential again. Most of the defects were light, except a few areas that had some RIDS that were a lost cause for the most part. I saw many paint flaws while inspecting the paint as I went, showing the owner what was left by the body shop, which he was not impressed with for other reasons anyways.

    The Process was kept pretty simple, a mixture of a rotary and DA, using a few polishes as I went along, trying out different combos. The majority of the correction was the same.
    Pre soaked with APC 4to 1
    Washed with Werstat Auto Body Wash using an Uber sponge and 2BM
    Dried with Showroom FX WW towel
    Clayed with Exclusive Blue, which left marring, but it was light and with the amount of overspray was needed
    Polished with SIP, PF, UCCL, and green and yellow GI pads
    Rotary was used on 2/3 of the car, with some areas light enough for a DA
    Sealed with Werkstat Prime Strong
    Wheels sealed with AJT and exhaust polished with Optimum Metal polish and Steel wool. Both of these were done by the owner.
    No Befores as it was spitting outside, just during and afters.
    General condition of the paint
    Mirrors had no shine, none whatsoever. That had to get fixed
    After some correction
    Hood polished
    Outside, Finally some sunshine
    Wheels looking better with AJT
    The camera shot
    Exhaust looking better
    My regulatory under the spoiler shot.
    That’s about it, thanks for looking.
  2. belcadimer

    belcadimer Virgin Detailer

    great job! I know what you about repaints, but as usual, the owners are esctatic with a good paint correction.
  3. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    Awesome job as always man!
  4. aml5578

    aml5578 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Looks great! Great job
  5. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Thanks. Relatively simple one. Owner's dad was amazed at the end result.

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