Going to Hamburg

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by agpatel, May 15, 2011.

  1. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I will be going to Hamburg, Germany for about 3 weeks for work and will have a half empty suite case with me. Just wondering if anyone has any places to go see or must places to go to, I will be across the street from the Airport. Also anything I should get detailing wise and have it shipped to the hotel. The Euro and VAT makes it more expensive so I cant think of anything I could get shipped to the states that would be cheaper there and still bring back in my bag.
  2. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    A tour of a German auto factory would be very interesting if possible?
  3. amercour

    amercour Birth of a Detailer

    Some of the Swissvax leather products seem to be half the price in Germany. Leather healer is €32 & leather brush is €4.50; have not looked at everything but you my find some other cheaper things as well). I bet if you picked up a dozen brushes you could really help out a few forum members :)

    VAT should be included in all prices. Also you should be able to do some tax free shopping. Learn how to get your VAT refunded here. That should make things a bit cheaper. Feel free to buy me a leather brush or some Sonax (looks like they have some cool stuff only available over there) orreally any German car care product.

    Also, it goes without saying but you should be drinking at least ten beers a day. Preferably ten different types. Start with breakfast and don't stop... seriously. Beer will never taste the same again. And you would be doing yourself a great disservice if you did not try their soft pretzels. I thought I knew what a pretzel was, but I had no idea.
  4. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    German Wine also nice :D
    pradikatswein/qba is their wine rating system/appellation with the sweetest wine being their best wines, Kabinett, Spatlese, Auselese, Beernaulse, Trocken Beernaulse, Ice Wein (all may have spelling error)
    and theres also trocken which is dry wine
  5. TechnikSLR

    TechnikSLR Two Bucket System Washer

    real clay! and as for the pretzels, GET ONE! GET TWENTY! they are amazing!
  6. pecka13

    pecka13 Birth of a Detailer

    my god you guys are making my mouth water with these pretzels!!!!
  7. LostHighway

    LostHighway Jedi Nuba

    You should watch Wim Wenders "The American Friend" (Der Amerikanische Freund) before you go. It is partially located in Hamburg if I remember correctly and loosely based on a Patricia Highsmith story. It emphasizes the dark, seedy side aspect of Hamburg. One of Wenders better films IMO.

    Personally, I'd be totally on board with drinking lots of good German beer, not the crap Euro lager stuff. You can try:
    or maybe
    Hotel Europäischer Hof Hamburg | Paulaner's "Miraculum" | Paulaner's "Miraculum"
    Unfortunately the best German beer culture is farther east and south.

    Germany has a fairly good jazz scene but I'm not sure about venues in Hamburg. Any chance you can sneak off to the Netherlands or Denmark or other cities in Germany?

    I hope you like pork.

    I'm a blank on the cars/detailing front - maybe some Bilt-Hamber soft clay (I realize it is English rather than German) if you can get it cheaper than having it shipped.
  8. EbbeJ

    EbbeJ Jedi Nuba

    You should be able to get e.g. some scholl products shipped to you - look at: Welcome @ Scholl Concepts - they have clay too. I don't know if the Swissvax products are cheaper in germany than in the US, but you could go check it out at swizol.de. But their HQ is located en München, so that would be quite a journey, if you wan't to see it in flesh.

    I live in the northern part of Denmark which is 3-4 hours of driving from Hamburg.

    Kind regards,

  9. Dial Up

    Dial Up Birth of a Detailer

    Ankeet, why dont you bring 2 half empty suitcases?then check one of them back to the U.S. with 45lbs of products hehe (5lbs for luggage itself) 50lbs total

    Just a thought..... Have a safe and fun trip even if its for work
  10. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Thanks guys, I will be having some beer so no worries there, will try the pretzels as I do love them.

    As for detailing stuff, I may or may not bring back much as I have most everything I would want, but who knows...

    I will be working most of the time (10-12 hrs/day, 7 days a week) but hopefully it will be finished up faster then initially thought hand have a few full days to go around.
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    If you are in Germany and don't beat the crap out of your rental on the Nurburgring, we can't be friends anymore. :(
  12. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    haha, i will be far away from the ring and will not have a car, will be saying at the Raddisson Blu hotel across the airport as I will be working at the Lufthansa hanger. First thing my boss and I looked up was to see how far we where going to be from the ring ha...
  13. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I don't care how far away you are, its not my problem. I fully expect a vid on youtube with you piloting a car with reckless abandon! LOL

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