Detailer's Domain: Lexus RX - Paint Revival

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by detailersdomain, May 7, 2011.

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    This RX was clean on the inside, however the paint needed some work. Believe it or not with the switching of the Uber yellow and green pad with Power Finish we got some great results! The customer was very happy with the results.

    What was done -

    - Wheels were prepped with Sonax Wheel Cleaner and cleaned up with various brushes
    - Tires were spritzed down with Adam’s All Purpose Cleaner and washed down
    - Wheel wells were cleaned up
    - Pre Washed with W99
    - Iron Cut
    - Wash down and rinsed
    - Door jambs were cleaned up
    - Clayed
    - Dried
    - Tires dressed
    - Masking
    - Paint Measurement
    - 1 Step - Menzerna Power Finish with Uber Green Pad
    - Inspection with Fenix, 3m Sun Gun, Infratech, and natural sunlight
    - Last Step – Einszett Glanz for that metallic flake POP!
    - Rubber and Plastics Treated
    - Exterior windows and mirrors cleaned and sealed
    - Exhaust tips cleaned
    - Windows were clayed, cleaned, and sealed
    - Jambs steam cleaned

    - Vac
    - Clean Glass
    - Leather Cleaned
    - Leather Conditioned

    - Cleaned
    - Dressed

    Links to products used -

    1Z einszett W99

    Iron Cut
    Adam's All Purpose Cleaner
    Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner
    Uber Clay Bar Kit
    Menzerna Power Finish with Uber Green Pad
    Lusso Oro Premium Carnauba Wax
    Adam's Super VRT
    Adam's Glass Cleaner
    Black Wow

    Adam's All Purpose
    Adam's In and Out

    Leather Master Strong Cleaner
    Leather Master Vital Conditioner
    Sonax Dashboard Cleaner

    Tools used
    Uber Wool Wash Mitt
    Uber No Name MF Towels
    Porter Cable 7424XP
    Flex PE14-2-150
    Uber Buffing Pads
    Defelsko Paint Meter
    Fenix TK11
    Kranzle Pressure Washer
    Cam Spray Foam Canon
    2 Grit Guard Buckets with Caddies
    Uber Firehose Nozzle

    Interior after


    Adam's All Purpose on the tires





    APC dwelling


    50/50 of the B Pillars (Power Finish and Uber Green Pad)

    Uber Green Pad after a few passes on the b pillars


    50/50 shots

    50/50 shots of the headlights

    Mirrors brought back to life

    Fenix TK35 used for inpsection after polishing

    Here a shot of the front fender

    50/50 of the rear pass door (Fenix TK35)

    Close up 50/50

    After shot of the rear pass door

    Polish up the windows

    Final touches

    Steam cleaning the door jambs after polishing


    After with Black Wow

    Cleaned up the gas cap area




    Permission for this write up was given by the owner

  2. durabio

    durabio Birth of a Detailer

    looks 100000000x better, is the green pad after polishing the pillar no longer usable?
  3. pecka13

    pecka13 Birth of a Detailer

    that was absolutely amazing!!!!!!!
    If i didnt read the caption saying it is a green pad, i would have thought it was the Black Uber pad used for waxing. What a difference you guys made on this car.
  4. bakchoi

    bakchoi Birth of a Detailer

    Looks great! Wow the uber green pad did an outstanding job with power finish for the one step.
  5. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    you can clean it but I will toss it.
  6. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Damn, nice work!
  7. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Wow.... what a difference! Was that paint the Lexus Onyx Black single stage?
  8. Streetlife

    Streetlife Birth of a Detailer

    Amazing job philip!!!
  9. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    If was not single stage.

    the green pad turning black was due to the b pillars.

    I was very happy with the outcome of this job.
  10. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    Incredible job!
  11. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Great work Phil I am loving Men 203 I have used it as a one step with lake country orange and white pads depending on paint but I think I am going to switch to some Uber pads after hearing some reviews.
  12. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Amazing Phil !!!!!!!
  13. dave_zok

    dave_zok DB Forum Supporter

    awesome job. Those 50 50 shots are unbelievable.

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