I've reached that stage...rant.

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by billyblooshoes, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Seeking knowledge is far more important to life than how your vehicle 'looks'. You need to prioritize when it comes to life
  2. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    Agreed, but its hard to deal with sometimes. Only the people on this site would understand that. I sometimes avoid the garage do not give myself agita if the car isn't "perfect".
  3. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    That's one of the reasons I switched to coating on my daily driver. I simply don't want to have to detail it every 3 months or so...I just want to wash it...Loving Cquartz so far, it make washing the car much easier...
  4. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    I'm seriously considering doing that for my GTI when I go off to college this fall. I love detailing but I know how busy life will get when I go off to college, and I don't want my car to become neglected because of it.
  5. Jordon

    Jordon Two Bucket System Washer

    Don't feel your pain yet as I am just starting :p

    Honestly I have many "hobbies" I am into a lot of different things, but my trick (if you want to call it that) is never get to serious about something. Once you do it seems like a chore or a job (in this case it could be a job!) I always swing back and forth between the things I like to do. For instance I may go crazy detailing for like 3 months straight, then move on to another "hobby" for a few months than by the time i'm sick of that move back to detailing.

    Okay this makes sense in my head - hopefully it's not just a bunch of jibberish :)

    Anyone with me?
  6. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    No it makes perfect sense. I honestly have way too many hobbies and not enough time and funds to pursue all of them. For example...I collect and work on typewriters, I also try to go biking (I have 3 different bikes which also need maintenance), I have a 1972 Super Beetle and being an old car it always needs something, I also have my detailing which I need to keep up (as I don't make quite as much money as I would like at my "normal" job at the ice cream place) and I just like detailing anyway. And I've started taking my GTI on track days, which means I'm doing stuff to it more than I used to as well. And then there's my "minor" hobbies, fountain pens, vinyl records, collecting random old junk...yeah. Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed and like you I get really into one or two of those for a while and them move onto the next one, and so on the cycle goes.
  7. Jordon

    Jordon Two Bucket System Washer

    Exactly Clark!

    That's what I am talking about. Putting too much passion in a hobby gets old. Maybe not right away, but I usually research all my hobbies before I pursue them seriously (to an extent) and if I end up joining a forum or the like - I always see posts like these. "Had Enough!" or "Getting out of this" etc...

    Sad to see anyone go but maybe pick something else up, relax, and come back later. I'm sure most of us will still be here with welcoming arms :)

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