kyoshiro - highly recommended

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by tdekany, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    He built my new website for me over a weekend. I was very impressed with how fast he would reply back to me regardless when I'd ask a question. Extremely helpful. Best experience I have ever had related to the internet.

    I am really happy that I found him.

    If you are reading this, THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    cool, seems to know his stuff that's for sure
  3. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Very cool!

    I wonder how much he charged you. You can PM me if you don't mind.

    I did graphic design work for a company for about 7 years, but I never did website design. I asked my boss how much he'd charge me and he said starting price of $1500 for a basic site... I thought I was being ripped off big time especially considering I did the guy plenty of favors over the years.
  4. Porsche Pilot

    Porsche Pilot Virgin Detailer

    I agree. A very gracious and helpful guy. He designed some logos for me and I will be using him for web design and hosting in the near future.
  5. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    And this was for a plain service website that would have about 5 different sections. Not for an "Autogeek" or "Detailers Domain" super website that has products for sale.
  6. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Kaban - pm kyoshiro. If it is ok with him, I'll pm you the price he charged me for my site.
  7. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    sure, im on full disclosure lol
    but thomas' flat rate has become the starting rate (which can also be the final rate depending on work amount) for the sake of getting in line with other webdesign businesses but still kicking their ass by at least 50% for the same amount of work done lol
  8. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    $200 is what I paid.
  9. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Wow, that is a bargain! My wife had a Web site designed for her company, and although it was a very nice Web site with plenty of custom graphics, I thought that $10K wasn't cheap...
  10. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    P1et I'd love to see the website you're talking about if you wanna pm me a link... Now I'm really anxious to see what could cost $10k in a website...
  11. imaj

    imaj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thanks! I think he just got another customer. What is his contact info.?
  12. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    $10k wow, but yeah once you go up the chain to higher end designers (especially custom graphics) it will get more n more expensive. the designers on custom graphics charge you more because they lose all royalties to the "product" thus the reason they have to tag on "potential" earnings. As much as i'd love to charge 120/hr like my friend does, i'm only doing about 30/work hr just so that everyone gets their bang of the buck deal while I get to fund my detailing purchases lol
    Also its relatively cheaper to deploy a pre-made system like wordpress then customize it, as coding time is cut by a big chunk and a lot less testing is required.
    When you deploy a full on system with fancy things, thorough testing is required to ensure that its safe/secure/doesnt break. Along with initial coding which will take up to a few weeks depending on how many programmers there are. Costs rack up lol
  13. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    As nice as it would be to have a website, I will stick with my business cards and word of mouth for now.

    Your work does speak for itself though.
  14. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    P1et, can I get that address as well? really want to see that :)
  15. Upper Class Detailing

    Upper Class Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    I'm using Wordpress for my website with lots of plug-ins. You just need to buy a template (~$40) and customize it to your liking. Very easy, no or very little HTML knowledge needed. Or you can use Weebly - Create a free website and a free blog to create a FREE website.
  16. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    I do offer free hosting on my server as well if you dig up the thread =p I just extend further for people who also pay for my services for getting their whole website done (not that I am unwilling to help the others out either, simply ask the guys that i'm hosting and i do not charge hosting fee at all for those who pay for my services either).
    All the themes that I have created and also in the future are bespoke themes, I went and purchased a software to create basic templates to bring quicker deployment and then I proceed to go into the code to alter to client specifications. No 2 theme created are the same and cuz of stabbing my wallet with the software, I am able to cut down a lot of coding from scratch for themes and put time to creating the right banner and along with requested graphics.
    There is also always limitations to services like Weebly with access and flexibility.
    I am not saying you're wrong to say theres cheaper alternatives but I think you also gotta consider that not everyone is tech savy thus they would possibly get pretty clueless doing all the editing and that one cannot offer to do everything for free because the time required to do some of these jobs are huge. I am also already charging way less than what others would charge for the same amount of work (and I already get criticized for it from my parents and friends already) which makes me doesn't feel that great about your post.
  17. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    what's the domain name of your newly developed site please
  18. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    WHo are you asking?

  19. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    probably you :)
  20. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    I am sorry, I thought we were in the other thread.

    It is

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