
Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by slanguage, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Looking for a glaze that's easy to use, with decent filling capabilities.

    EAsy to use is a must.

    I heard CG ez-creme is pretty decent.

    Also, how long do I have to wait before topping it or other glazes before topping with a wax?

  2. Russ@Xclusive

    Russ@Xclusive Two Bucket System Washer

    PB Black Hole is my favorite. Works very well as a glaze by hand but works amazing with a DA. Little goes a very long way and adds a lot of depth but doesn't fill as much as I'd wish it did. EZ creme is very similiar too.
  3. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Prima Amigo or Wet Glaze 2.0
  4. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Prima Amigo and Wet Glaze 2.0
  5. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    who makes wet glaze 2.0?
  6. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    PB's black hole is by far my favorite glaze. It has EXCELLENT filling abilities and produces a nice shine too. Plus it cleans the paint.
    And the detail shoppe makes wet glaze.

    I usually will wait around an hour before topping with a sealant then wax.
  7. SDMDChris

    SDMDChris Birth of a Detailer

    Poor boy's world Black Hole for dark cars and pbw White diamond for lighter cars!
  8. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    I have both of the poorboy's as well as the Wet Glaze 2.0 and Prima Amigo and the Amigo and WetGlaze leave a slicker and wetter finish
  9. nothelle

    nothelle Birth of a Detailer

    Chem Guys Wet Mirror Finish...

    This one WMF + MSeal... sorry for the poor picture, but you can see the difference. Mseal did add something to the finish, but the darker finish was mostly WMF:

    Chemical Guys Wet Mirror Finish
    Chemical Guys M-Seal


    Different take

  10. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Dave at the detail shoppe in WA sells the Wet Glaze 2.0
  11. termigator

    termigator Virgin Detailer

    I like PB Black Hole. It goes on real easy and comes off just as easy. I definitely noticed a difference before and after the glaze. Car looked a lot wetter.
  12. nothelle

    nothelle Birth of a Detailer

    How does the bond between glazes & LSP works? On CG they work well with their own LSP, but how bout with other brand? not limited to CG glazes, but PB and other as well, can they bond properly with sealant? nubas?
  13. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    my favourites

    CK RMG + VMG mixed 1:1 for carnaubas
    DWG 2.0 for sealants if no cleaning needed
    Prima Amigo for sealants if cleaning needed

    honourable mention to PB BH, but imo filling on Amigo is similar and it's an easier product to spread and remove. A really good combo ive found for hiding swirls is PB BH + Prima Hydro then layer your LSP of choice - works best on warm colours

    over the last year ive pretty much bought and tested everything out there, and there's only a handful i will use again

    for me a paint cleaner/glaze needs to be one swipe removal easy, and those above are exactly that
  14. detaildoc

    detaildoc DB Forum Supporter

    DWG 2.0 FTMFW.
    -Super easy to apply and remove
    -Can go under, on top, or in between sealants or nubas
    -Great wetness, slick finish, depth, warmth, nice filling abilities
    -Probably the longest lasting glaze in the market that won't wash off within a few days (I can get 4 -5 weeks duration per application).
    -Adds a little protection to the paint.
  15. Cooter

    Cooter DB Forum Supporter

    Have to agree with Luis. Detail Shoppe (Danase) Wet Glaze 2.0 is a great product.
    Obsessive Detail Wet Glaze is also a very nice glaze.
    RMG topped with Souveran is very very very nice. Kinda old school but works.
  16. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    What do you mean by PB BH + Prima Hydro? Are you applying BH then using Hydro to take it off? I'm interested in trying this.
  17. dogma

    dogma DB Forum Supporter

    I like glazes a lot

    Prima Amigo
    EZ creme

    I just got a bottle of gloss workz glaze to try . How is that compared to the above?
  18. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    i apply and remove BH, then go over the car 1 or 2 times with Prima Hydro. Then ill add any LSP, can be sealant or carnauba. On my M3 i went with Vic Mayhem

    Primo Hydro is an amazing filler, it's truely a unique product - at least there's no other spray sealant i know that fills this well

    If im using a filler, i always apply a coat or two of Hydro over the top - takes literally minutes to go over the whole car
  19. dschia

    dschia Jedi Nuba

    Will PB blackhole come off easy if i were to leave in on for long? Can I apply PB blackhole over the whole car before buffing or do I need to work it panel by panel?
  20. termigator

    termigator Virgin Detailer

    That's exactly what I did. It's comes off real easy. If anything, it's best just do it after applying it to the entire car because you're supposed to wait until it hazes before wiping it off.

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