Andy at it again...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Auto Concierge, Mar 5, 2011.

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  1. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Wow, that is alot deeper then I thought. That is BS......... especially the personal attacks. What exactly is this guys deal?
  2. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Well actually it is me who gets the laugh as I am not trying to be him now am I?, as for it not being top secret then why would anyone care if I choose not to tell what I do if it is not important?.

    I find it odd that some of you would think it is okay to lie about who you are and what you are, it is wrong anyone can see this except a few of the recent commenters of this thread.
  3. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I guess you can only ignore things to a certain extent. He's been all over the place according to your research, what is the reason for that?
  4. Bmer89

    Bmer89 DB Forum Supporter

    Hire a hitman and get it over with.
  5. Greg Nichols

    Greg Nichols Birth of a Detailer

    Looks like he took down the video? Is this his website Home Page Maybe we all need to post negative feedback on his google page?

    I hate when someone steals your work, I'm not flattered I'm pissed! This is why I water mark all my work...........however many forums don't allow water marks.........which also sucks!

  6. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    watermark your pics and vids

    problem solved..... and just in time for breakfast
  7. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Then why are you dragging it here on this forum? The guy is not even a member here. If you have issues with him and it's effecting you personally or your business I would suggest getting an attorney and dealing with it in that manner.
  8. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    I'll make my response to your quote and comments that were directed to me really short and simple, Bob.

    This is the INTERNET, you're eventually going to have to accept that there is always going to be some kid behind a screen and keyboard who will call you names, pretend to be someone else and steal copyrighted shit.

    Now, don't take this the wrong way, but here's what I think your 2 options are: Do something about it to finally fix this guy's problem, or stop complaining about it on line before people around you start getting annoyed with it. (Not pointing fingers, but the ones who are telling you to let it go are probably about half way there.) In your position, you're the better man, so make the better judgment.

    P.S.: You don't have to like what I just said, and that's fine, I'm just presenting one face of this community as a whole which should not be a B-Side for one member.
  9. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    If this were happening to someone else would you have made the similar statement?, so I get to not only have to deal with this but spend thousands of dollars to go after a idiot when I can expose the guy(As he should be) in the proper light?.

    Let's take me out of the the post and some of the replies would be much different to that there is no dispute, it is always funny that some will say "Well they are just words what do you care" unless I then say something against a family member or lie about THIER reputation.....then it is a different ballgame.

    The post was to expose a guy who continually lies about work he does not do, steals others content for his website and general a**hattery. You have a thread on Autopia where a guy is doing the same thing to Scottwax and the guy who is doing that is not a member of Autopia like Andy either and I see no such statement Pat?? about Scottwax dragging him onto Autopia.......but there is no bias of course towards me now is there.

    This about right and wrong, and when people find that acceptable well......................
  10. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Bob seriously...Do you think that you ranting up and down in a thread is going to stop the ""Tom foolery" " as you put it. If you have a beef with this guy and he is making threats to your family and your business don't you think that you might want to think about different measures?

    I can understand where your are coming from if someone was dragging my business name through the mud then I would want to vent and take action. I had some a** clown on these forums steal a ton of photos of cars that I detailed and used them in his business. However, it was my fault for not watermarking the pics...Lessons learned.

    However, I really don't see how posting this and ranting on some internet forum thread is going to get the issue between you and him resolved.
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