T-dawg Detailed: 996 Turbo in Hong Kong

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by t-dawg, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. billy

    billy Obsessive Detailer

    awesome work terence!
    +1 wax and sealant?
  2. JPerrydore

    JPerrydore Birth of a Detailer

    Great work. Love the reflection shots of the buildings!
  3. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    Are your pictures straight out of the camera? They look awesome
  4. truenosan

    truenosan Virgin Detailer

    Looks good ! Was that car previously washed by a maid or something? Those were some nasty scratches.
  5. t-dawg

    t-dawg Two Bucket System Washer

    billy: LSP for this car was 2 coats of Menzerna Powerlock.

    JPerrydore: Thanks! We drove around and I knew that I wanted to get the reflection of some old buildings to contrast the car. The other car I detailed in HK was an older 993 Turbo and I wanted to photograph it in the middle of the financial district amougst the modern buildings instead but that didn't work out. Hong Kong is too crowded and busy :(

    SpecC: Some photos had to be brightened/darkened but nothing was done to the after pics to make them nicer than the before's. Photography is going to be a slow, lifelong lesson for me!

    truenosan: Actually yes, people in Asia often get their maids to do majority of their chores for them, including car washing. This particular car was no exception.
  6. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    Those reflections with the buildings look awesome. What did you do to clean up the emblem area? APC & a brush?
  7. t-dawg

    t-dawg Two Bucket System Washer

    APC with a brush during the wash process didn't put a dent on the buildup around the emblem. It had to be polished out with SIP, a soft-bristled toothbrush, and lots of patience. Left my Q-tips at home in Canada :shakehead:

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