I have come to realization of the truth

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by kyoshiro, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    The relationship you have with your car should be no different than the one you have with you woman.

    Your woman is not a super model, nor is she the worlds best cook, hell, she doesn't even have 1% of Angelina Jolie's wallet, but it doesn't matter, because you still enjoy that supper she makes for you, you still manage to make due with the cash you have and still find her sexy, and I'm sure you never have to THINK and plan when you wanna make love to her. Same goes for the car, it's no Ferrari, Aston Martin or Rolls Royce, but it's there by your side every day and never complains. Giving it a nice wash and wax isn't something you have to linger and think about, just do it because that's what you want to do!:)

    (That was almost profound^ lmao)

  2. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    I have given up trying to chase every last swirl mark on my cars. I only have so much clear coat on them and to break out a DA or Rotary every time I see something is becoming counter productive.

    I just try my best to reduce the marring by washing and drying properly. My cars still look 100x's better than other cars on the road.
  3. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    I go through phases as well. If there's snow in the forecast for the next few weeks, I just stop caring about how filthy my car gets...because as soon as I wash it it'll just get filthy again. And the interior gets pretty bad as well...my mats become white with salt and there's crap all over the carpet. And when it's gross and wet and snowy outside, I really don't care too much. But after a while that begins to bother me--I suffer from mild depression and things like having a filthy car sometimes get to the point where they begin to affect my self esteem. I begin to lose motivation to even want to have a clean car anymore, and that lack of motivation is evident in other pats of my life as well. It is at that point I go out and detail it...even it if's 19 degrees outside I'll ONR the thing in the garage and wash my floormats in the kitchen sink. This spring though I'm gonna order some new stuff and do an intense detail on it, I'm excited :D
  4. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    My thoughts exactly ... my cars look better than most cars on the road. Most of the cars around where I live were purchased at CarMax ... so it's swirl-galore city around these parts.
  5. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Well ... I sinned today. I pressure washed the crap out of the car and took it to the swirl-o-matic. I bought this car a few months ago and I have never detailed it, so I don't feel that bad about it. I'm planning on a full correction next Spring.

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