This was a decision made by Ken himself. Nothing "happened", but Ken is still on the forum and will keep on contributing as usual! His user name did not change, he's just not longer a sponsor. Best of luck to Ken in 2011!
Hey guys. I am still around but have decided to spend my advertising budget in my local area where most of my sales come from. We just can't be competitive in a market where things are being give away.
Best of luck Ken. I always check for any news or deals you have. Perhaps adding a subscription email or something at your site might be good to stay up to date on things. Just a suggestion.
I am just puting it together. If you've ordered from me, your name will be on the list. Web guys rape me everytime I make a change so we haven't added it to the site yet.
Hey Ken, Hopefully you can keep the detailing pics coming and as always your information and knowledge is gladly recieved by all. All the best in 2011!
all the best for you Ken in 2011, please do keep on sharing your immense knowledge and inspiring works. Cheers, Bob
all the best for you Ken in 2011, please do keep on sharing your immense knowledge and inspiring works. Cheers, Bob
Ken you will have my business as long as Im still cleaning cars!! even tho you on the other side of the world. I don't mind waiting, cuz you have awesome products!!! I better be on the list of emails!