Jeep Commander Winter Prep

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by billyblooshoes, Dec 20, 2010.

  1. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    this jeep commander belongs to the same customer of mine who owns the M3 and Allroad. it is daily driven by mostly his wife, and seems to be the "family wagon". this jeep also saw full correction by myself earlier this year, and the finish has help up extremely well, despite being a daily driver, and having seen winter last year, and being outside all of the time. last time i saw this car, it looked like this:


    now its looking quite different, and much more badass

    the jeep saw a hot water pressure rinse thanks to the owner, as it had encountered a wee bit of mud recently. sorry i wasnt able to get pics of that. after pressure rinse, the jeep was ONR washed and thoroughly clayed with bilt hamber soft and adams detail spray. i've been claying with detail spray as lube again recently instead of ONR dilution, and i decided that for now at least, i much prefer the lubricity of QD or some kind of detail spray as oopposed to ONR clay lube. anywho, paint was protected with 2 coats of 845 via griots DA and uber black pad, then a final coat of autoglym HD and uber red "flying saucer" wax app. the ginormous tires were literally hosed down with tropicare white pearl and just left to soak in, then wiped down afterward. wheels where polished and protected with optimum metal polish and blackfire all metal sealant. black trim was treated with adams VRT.

    just a few befores after wash and clay


    done and done
    CRZ_CC likes this.
  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Damn, some meaty tires on that Commander. Very nice work!
  3. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    thanks boss man.
  4. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    great work billy. I know the tires are different, but I think he also lifted it a little bit.
  5. Supertuner

    Supertuner Jedi Nuba

    do you wash it regularly or does the customer, the finish looks flawless for going through a year and a winter since a last correction. Great job again.
  6. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    right on the money gianni. i think hes planning on a thule roof rack and some kind of push bar bumper thing with either hella of piaa lights.

    i see the car around every 3 months for a "spruce up/enhancement" type detail, but my customer is very good about maintaining the car as far as regular washes.

    thanks for the kind words.
  7. epic32

    epic32 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    unrelated question but why is the audi wagon parked on something? possibly cardboard?
  8. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    it is parked on cardboard. i had put 4 coats of tire dressing on the tires in the garage, and for some reason the tires were just sucking it right up and looking like they had not been dressed. so while i was working on another car, the owner was trying out a couple other dressings to see if they would work better.
  9. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Looks great, never thought of HD on top of 845 I was debating on 845 on top of HD
  10. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    thanks. HD on top of 845 has proven to be a great combo for me as of this weekend. as 845 is more of a sealant, i would recommend putting HD on top rather than topping the wax with 845. 845 is high in solvent and pertroleum distillate content, which means that if you were to put 845 on top of HD, the solvents in 845 would essentially deteriorate the layer of HD below it.
  11. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Tires make the difference. So much better, and it looks great after you cleaned it. Did you enjoy dressing those tires? Takes me like 4 hours haha, I have a tiny bit more sidewall than those.
  12. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    yeah i tried doing the first tire by hand with a small uber applicator. that took forever, so for the next three i just sprayed the dressing directly on the tires and let it soak in with great results. of course i wiped them down afterward, but there was barely any residual dressing at all.
  13. cnut

    cnut Guest

    That thing was a bit of work for you. Do you know how long the 845 and hd will last? I know in your parts winter can get harsh.
  14. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    honestly this one wasnt too bad. the owner takes extremely good care of his vehicles and i see them regularly for freshen ups, so it makes life so much easier. honestly im not sure how long the combo will last, but i can say the durability should be substantial.
  15. Trents_goat5.7

    Trents_goat5.7 Jedi Nuba

    Great work! And that Commander looks so much better with that little lift, and bigger tires.
  16. cnut

    cnut Guest

    Well taken care of vehicles are timesavers.
  17. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Great job Bill...:applause2:
  18. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    great job, Billy!

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