Good opportunity or not?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by TheRustySuper, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    Yes, I'm starting another thread, although I promise this is a lot less stupid than the last one.

    My friend texted me last night, and asked if I would be interested in being a valet for the country club that he works at. He said they were having a big party and they needed someone who could handle cars to park the cars for the millionaires that would be showing up. I was flattered that the first person he thought of was me. taking this opportunity really a good idea? Here's why I'm not so sure.

    First off, I'm only 17. Legally, am I even old enough to be a valet? I've talked to people my age who are valets but that doesn't mean they're supposed to be. My friend told them I'm 17, so I guess they don't care, but that leads me to my next question...

    If anything were to happen, what about liability? I've driven a bunch of cars (for someone my age) and I like to think that I'm a good driver. I have also driven nice cars before...but you can never be too careful. Also we've had ice and snow recently. My friend said the parking lot was clear, but I don't want to find out the hard way that it isn't.

    I've never even been to this country club before. All I know is that my friend works there as a server. Do they need a resume, application, anything? And if there's nothing in paper about how much I'll be paid, what are the chances that I could get ripped off?

    I don't have any details at all about anything so far, and the party is tonight. It just makes me nervous, turning up to a place that I've never been to before and just hoping they won't say "sorry, you're too young" or "sorry, you don't have an application." Although this has the potential to be a great opportunity for me (I need money haha) and may be a way for me to get a job in the future...I'm not so sure. It just sounds kinda fishy.

    Any advice?


  2. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    It's always good to check it out. You don't want to look back and think that you missed the opportunity o a life time. Be a YES MAN! The worst thing that can happen is that you stay at the stage you're at now (looking for a job)

    However - and this could differ where you live, but - where I'm from, when it comes to insurance issues with cars, jobs require that you be at least 21 to drive for a company. That aside, if they do take you and don't care about your age, that's a good thing...for you.

    As for the parking lot; Well, whether it be iced or not, if it's a club where they have valets parking cars, my thoughts would be that people have expensive or higher end cars, which generally tend to come with traction control, stability control yadda yadda yadda. So other than you turning the wheel, the car drives itself and shouldn't slide around. Beside, you being a Valet, the clients drive the car up to you and you just go park it, so you'll see first hand how the car moves and stops...or doesn't when they bring you the car.:p lol

    Good luck on this possible job!
  3. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    You should be covered by the country club's insurance. If not, don't do it.
  4. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    That's exactly what I was thinking and was just talking with my parents about. Moving a client's Honda Odyssey around my driveway and up the street is one thing, parking some dude's Porsche in a possibly icy parking lot at night with no coverage from the country club is another.
  5. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    I worked as a "Valet" for a high end restaurant in the late 70's as a 16 year old, yes you will be a employee of the C.C. which should have a comprhensive/liability insurance.

    These questions would be better served directed at the C.C. where you will be working, of course if you have a spotty driving record you may not be not lie about this as it is better not to be hired than fired for lying.
  6. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Old school black Porsche at the restaurant... regular customer hands YOU the keys instead of the other valet..... "here you go Robert"

    if J memory serves me correct?
  7. Paul S

    Paul S Birth of a Detailer

    It sounds like a great opportunity for someone but after reading your first post on negotiatiing the snowy driveway , it might not be your cup of tea. Maybe I'm not reading this correctly but if you have your own doubts then maybe karma is trying to tell you something.I'm imagining you in a bently, kind of in a snowy rut red lining the motor when bam , it finds traction and away you go. But I guess you'll never now if you don't try it. Good luck no matter what you decide.
  8. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    You're funny :p In my defense, the driveway was rougher than some of the off-road driving I've done before.

    Thanks everyone for the advice, I talked with my friend who talked to the country club about the insurance issue. I wasn't going to be covered by their insurance so I said no thanks. However I do want to look into working as a valet over the summer, it really does sound like an interesting job. If I can supplement my detailing with a job like that then I may actually be able to make some decent money this summer...

  9. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    ^ "Not as dumb as he looks folks!"

    You made the right choice to refuse that one. I wish you luck in finding another job like this!

  10. Bmer89

    Bmer89 DB Forum Supporter

    It may have been "right" to refuse the job, and I respect that you did, but I would've taken that chance right up. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think the wealthy owners will go after a 17 year old kid with no job to get the scuff in the paint fixed. I'd imagine they would go after the club for hiring an underaged valet. But that's just me, I take chances :p
  11. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Unless you are a "Immaculate conception" they would go after your parents or legal thinks your pops would disagree with your view on this one, as will you when you have your own family and some disposable income.

    There is a saying....."Youth is wasted on the youth" so true:shakehead:
  12. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Yes....... 70's 930 Turbo, we had a dick for a supervisor and he treated all of us working there with disdain............. older than me(18) at the time with the "Skinnyness", ran into him in 1998 and well let's just say the "Worm had turned" as he used to really pick on all of us, I said "Trent what was that saying you used to say to me.....hey fatboy I will roll you into the sand @ Salt Creek and make you a sugar cookie" why don't you do that now??, we all know how that turned out.:boxing:

    This owner always gave me the car because I never stalled it in front of him(luckyness on my part) and I would pull ten feet foward, park it and throw him the keys.........and get my $20.00 tip(which was bigbucks back then 1978)this car was the "Poo" at the time not unlike a 2011 Turbo S is at the present. I do remember the car's paint was all swirled up though and I could fix that now........but not then.
  13. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    Bingo. Which is why I didn't want to take the job. I would not want to have my parents in that position, if something did happen. Not that I would expect myself to screw up, but it's always good to play it safe...
  14. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    This thread reminds me of the time back in the 80's I had valeted for a one time event in Beverly Hills for a celebrity who was having a party. We got to drive alot of nice cars that night and then back to reality when we had to jump back into our own cars ! LOL
  15. kdude

    kdude Jedi Nuba

    Clarke GO FOR IT ! No question about it ... "CARPE DIEM" ! Seize the moment...

    A high end club like that could lead to new and possible huge new adventures for you.... Just to valet cars will be a blast .. and as a bonus you will see some high quality cheese all dressed up ! WIN WIN !
  16. kdude

    kdude Jedi Nuba

    and as a side note why not print up some "detailing flyers" and happen to leave one on the dash of each car.. you may pick up some clients who can afford your services... the downside is you may be fired for soliciting the clubs clients..
  17. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Funny you mention that. We're saying opposite things and I actually have that tattooed on my chest! lol
  18. dave12

    dave12 Virgin Detailer

    Do not worry that is an great opportunity go head and give a try. but through reference you should given the priority. and then age should not matter. and i don't think you should take a resume. sound a bit matured

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