Best Presure Washer for the $$$

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by dave_zok, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. dave_zok

    dave_zok Guest

    I was looking to get a new presure washer next year and not sure what to get. I was looking at the one listed below but it seems a little pricy

    I detail on the side as i have a full time job as an Engineer, but still manage to deail about 30 cars this year, most with full paint correct. I also keep my cars clean at all times and personal use would be the biggest sell. My subaru STI rims are a pain to clean without a PW.
  2. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    I would definitely check with Phil (detailers domain) first and get his input as well before making a big purchase such as this.
  3. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I looked up one of the Kranzles and read some bad reviews about a startup or pulsing problem or something, and a few people chimed in on it and all had the same issues. I'd be weary of it and keep searching.
  4. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter

    I got my karcher used on craigslist for $40. It's one of the bigger units if that matters.
    Got it probably over 1 year ago and its still going strong.

    Pumps out foam from my cam spray attachment like crazy.
  5. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I cant say whats the best pressure washer for the price but this site will help you make a decision and they have free shipping prices are not bad either. Also they are have a cyber monday sale so if you find a unit soon you might get it for an even better price.

    Pressure Washers Direct
  6. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    They have a unit similar to that kranzle at Costco that I'm thinking of getting myself.

    BTW sti rims are a pita to clean at times lol.
  7. Lito

    Lito Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  8. HeavyD

    HeavyD DB Forum Supporter

  9. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

  10. Lito

    Lito Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  11. Lito

    Lito Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thanks, I'm looking to buy this one! just a quick question... is the gun wand a kranzle fitting??? any clue what size is the output hose size? to add quick disconect? I'm aware some lower end AR models use a bigger (i think 15mm) size, so its impossible to use a regular 14mm QD on the gun hose :(
  12. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    If you buy electric and will use it often, buy one with a Honda engine they are well worth the money. The carb and engine design is simple, easy to maintain and near bullet proof reliable.
  13. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

  14. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    This looks similar in style to the Cam Spray 1500A unit and wonder how they compare in terms of quality and performance? This AR610 unit is also about $170.00 cheaper than the Cam Spray if using pricing.
  15. HeavyD

    HeavyD DB Forum Supporter

    Sorry bro the unit I have is a bigger fitting. I keep hose attached without a QD.I dont use a foam cannon but a foamer that came as an option with the powerwasher.Its not a screw in fitting like the Kranzle but rather a winged twist in fitting with a rubber o-ring at the tip? I appologize for crappy info.
  16. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I've been looking for a reliable pressure washer that is not more than $200-250.

    From what people say here anything under 2.0 GPM is not great.

    AR as a portable unit that is 1.5 GMP and it's only $100 bucks. I don't know if I should buy this one or save for the $500 dollar one.

    I just need two things for my detailing collection ... a pressure washer and a Gaia.
  17. yakky

    yakky Two Bucket System Washer

    I'm on my third or fourth cheapo electric. My next one will probably be the AR Blue, however some general thoughts:

    -Buy from a place with an awesome return policy if you can, your unit will fail eventually. I was glad to take back my Campbell Hausfeld to Costco when it died the second year
    -Make sure it has a good warranty
    -WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T LET WATER FREEZE IN IT!!!. Its game over when that happens.
  18. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    my cam spray is up for sale :)
  19. RefPerfection

    RefPerfection Birth of a Detailer

    Seems like everyone is getting away from the Cam Spray. Kranzle the new in-thing?
  20. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Cam Sprays are good units ... the only thing about them is the damn 20AMP requirement.

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