Chinese Build 15-Story Hotel In Just Six Days

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by detailersdomain, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    Six days. That's how long it took to build this level 9 Earthquake-resistant, sound-proofed, thermal-insulated 15-story hotel in Changsha, complete with everything, from the cabling to three-pane windows. The foundations were already built, but it's just impressive.

    The wonders of prefabricated construction modules and modern construction techniques will never cease to amaze me. I just can't understand why every single building is not pre-made in factories first, for optimal energy, material and time savings, not to talk about a more efficient and cheaper end result and, in the case of the Ark Hotel, only 1% construction waste.

    YouTube - Ark Hotel Construction time lapse building 15 storeys in 2 days

    Article from Gizmodo
  2. stottie

    stottie Birth of a Detailer

    dem chiense are good.
  3. lasthope05

    lasthope05 Jedi Nuba

    OMG! That thing is just sick! Now you have me wondering why other builds arent constructed like this. One of the things I absolutely hate when they are construction a new building in the city is the long term traffic/congestion they cause. That shit reeks havoc! [​IMG]

    [Damn I keep on getting distracted checking the forums out. I gotta get back to writing this stupid long ass research paper. [​IMG] ]
  4. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    That is very impressive!

    FREAKAH Virgin Detailer

    I guess 15 days is fast, considering they didn't have any pesky building and safety inspectors bothering them throughout the build.:yikes:

    They build everything in China so fast nowadays. Kinda makes you think where are they cutting corners and how much.
  6. lasthope05

    lasthope05 Jedi Nuba

    You misread it.

    It took them 6 days to erect a 15 story build, and on the 7th day they were open. Just like god.

    [pulled an all nighter and I'm still not tired. :dbanana: Gotta love red bull and adderall to get you through those tough nights!]
  7. kakeuter

    kakeuter DB Forum Supporter

    That's pretty insane, you'd have to have your processes nailed down to a T to put that thing up like clockwork. Cool video, thanks!

  8. daveinsweethome

    daveinsweethome DB Forum Supporter

    a good friend sold and helped install a tv antenna in chine a couple of years ago. he kept saying they needed an access road for maintenance and they waited and waited for it. 2 days before he insisted and they brought in about 10000 people and dug and did it in one day. he was amazed but said later they called him and said something was wrong with the antenna set up. apparently they didnt see that the legs folded down to support the box part. guess they win some and lose some. still 15 stories in a week is amazing.
  9. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    wow, Made in China.
    those guys are good, maybe they get paid for completed project instead of by hour like here
  10. CG6Lemon

    CG6Lemon New Member

    thats crazy
  11. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    I had Japan making pre-fab houses with wiring, etc. already installed. It really works when all the rooms are the same like a hotel.
  12. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

  13. cnut

    cnut Guest

    An amazing feat indeed. I do think that pre-fabbed parts are beneficial for costs and other various reasons. As long as no shortcuts are taken I think it's great.

    DJBAILEY Birth of a Detailer

    Six Days was to put the 'LEGOS ' together, but it must have taken months to build all the modules. So you can't assume that they cut corners.
  15. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    This is a great video but you gotta take a few things into account:

    -Foundation was already there/they had done it before-hand.
    -They had sooo many people working at once. Small building usually doesn't have half the amount of workers as in this video. Multiple cranes were constantly being used all at the same time as well.
    -It doesn't look like any inspections took place, they just kept working around the clock. The only noticeable brake was once the entire roof-and-shell was completed.
    -Building seems to relie on external pre-fabricated supports when normally central columns would be used for an earthquake-resistant building.

    Still, considering these main factors, it is very impressive!
  16. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Holy #@**!

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