We are blessed with so many trees in the area where we live. This time of year is payback time though. An annual tradition with the girls is to rake a big pile of leaves and then run and jump in them. These are a few pics from today's fun. This pile of leaves is only 1/2 the backyard and is from a week's worth of leaves. The backyard had been raked bare last week. Enjoy.
RICHY YOU'RE SINKINGGGG (thank god I dont have any trees at this rented town house complex, my old houses would of been raking nightmare)
Ahhh, I remember those times with my dad. We used to take care of our 5 acres in CT during the last couple falls and talk about monster piles of leaves! The only problem is that 10 minutes after you clean them up, another wave of leaves fall in its place.
Looks like you had some fun. I'm just going to mention this though, other than for jumping in them and having fun, you should leave those leaves on the ground to protect your grass from the snow during winter. Makes for a nicer grass in springs. A little trick I learned back when I worked for a landscaping company. OH yeah, you also have to be able to put up with the "ugliness" of it until snow falls.
I appreciate the advice. The volume of leaves is so much, it damages the grass. I missed an area 2 years ago and the grass died and I had a Hell of a time getting it to come back.
Agreed. The kids had a BLAST tirck or treating last night. well, the oldest one did. He's 3. The other one is 3 months. He loved just seeing everything.
Pete, post a pic of him in his costume. I'll do the same. My brother in law and I walked along smoking cigars while the kids raced from door to door. A good night for all, lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll be sure to. Gotta get the camera from the girlfriend first Wish I would've smoked during the trick or treating phase. I smoked a Viaje Skull and Bones before we left (awesome stick, btw. Too bad they are IMPOSSIBLE to find.)