Apple has revealed its new, streaming-only Apple TV. And it's just 1/4 the size of the old one. The tiny successor will pack built-in power supply, HDMI, ethernet, and 802.11n wireless, priced down to $99. The main features The new Apple TV will stream rental movies directly from iTunes, or beam videos from your own computer, bypassing local storage—and the possibility of buying anything. Some memory buffer will be available, however, to pause and navigate streamed movies while viewing. Content-wise, Apple is now offering $0.99 rentals from ABC and Fox, as well as (and more excitingly) full Netflix streaming support. First-run movies will be available in HD (720p only, alas) for $4.99 the same day they're released on DVD. Visually, there doesn't appear to be much of a change here—the UI is mostly the same, though the integration of Rotten Tomatoes scores is a neat inclusion, and might help avoid ruining your evening with a sour rental. What's different from the old Apple TV? Beyond eschewing buying and storing media—though this is a significant shift—not very much. Despite the beefy new A4 processor, the UI looks and works virtually the same, and it'll support the same formats as before (meaning still no DivX or Xvid playback). The new diminutive size and matte black design will be more eye-catching than the predecessor, but really—you're probably sticking this thing under your TV, so size shouldn't matter so much. What's cool, and what isn't? A $99 Netflix box with iTunes rentals is definitely a sweet setup (Roku, be advised), and unlike its predecessor, might actually attract attention. But other than more content and less cost, which by all means could have been accomplished with the old hardware, this isn't anything close to revolutionary. Think of it as the well-designed movie box the original Apple TV should (and could) have been.
Its to limited for me. As I use network media tanks such as Dune HD prime or Popcorn hour. With these devices I have way more connectivity flexiblity and can play Bueray rips at full 1080p
That's nice if you want to spend the time to rip bluray or pirate them, which I'm interested in neither.
Oh no doubt, but with the $1 dollar price rental point they're pushing for the new AppleTV rentals.. at that point it's like "meh, it's a buck I'll just rent it". I mean, it's as cheap as RedBox now without having to go to RedBox.
I have the original AppleTV and the internal hard drive is nice so that you can have your music and pictures playing without your PC needing to be on. With the current model, you cannot do that . Bit of a shame.
See, I don't use the internal hard drive on my AppleTV. I think streaming is where it's at, not syncing. Syncing takes time to move everything over, and if it's a bunch of stuff it takes a LOT of time. Streaming, no moving.. no wasting time.
Totally snagging one of these... I've already got the "old" one, but I'll move that to the bedroom and rock the new unit in the family room. IF my wife lets me, LOL :thud:
Apple have made some nice improvements, but I am bummed that they aren't extending new features like Netflix to folks with the last generation unit (me).
i've sent my wife on a mission this week to go to the store and use it to see if she likes it....currently my xbox is being hogged by her so she can watch streaming shows...once i get back to CO, and with halo:reach in my hand she'll need sonmething else to watch netflix