Opti-coat vid , review

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Cosmin, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Cosmin

    Cosmin Birth of a Detailer

    this review is for application and water test next day.
    the aplication is easy , if you are familiar with opti-seal than this should be easy for you.
    the prep is where you have to take your time.
    the car was polished before coating. is a daily driver , 50k miles/2 years so don`t judge me by my car.
    back to opti-coat , the seringe i got has 40cc , and i think i can cover between 16-20 cars , 1 application each.
    overall the paint feel very smooth , looks pretty sharp not sure if has wax or seal effect. probably more into the seal look.
    after polish steps the car was wipe down with alchool , and foam-gun with dawn.
    once dry i apply opti-coat with foam pad.
    the vid is from next day and as you can see the paint is left almost dry.
    i am very happy with this product and look fw to see the durability.

  2. richy

    richy Guest

    Nice review. I did a comparison wash between OC and Aquartz. I found them to have slightly different properties and the OC really rocks when you take a leaf blower to it.
  3. bvhbmw

    bvhbmw Birth of a Detailer

    I get the same water beading / shedding results when using Collinite 845.
  4. richy

    richy Guest

    Collinite is an excellent product, no question. It does not sheet as well as the OC does. Taking a leaf blower to it dries it almost completely whereas the Colli still needs some blotting. For the money, it CAN'T be beat. I believe this product will last longer, although it is more money. Collinite remains the best value in paint protection, period.
  5. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    Oh yes, but not after 12+ months with abuse from trafic film removers and heay cleaner shampos.
  6. bvhbmw

    bvhbmw Birth of a Detailer

    True, nothing I have used lasts much more than 4 months if you use strong shampoos.

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