Griots Machine Polish 3

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by shamu, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. shamu

    shamu Virgin Detailer

    Has anyone used? I have a new, shiny Jeep wrangler that I would like to polish... sad thing is, the dealer put micro scratches in the clear coat... I was thinking of polishing... but not sure if #3 is too much.... could it put scratches in my "almost" perfect shine?

    I have waxed prior, 2-3 times... coat is nice... any thoughts?


  2. 3Guy

    3Guy Virgin Detailer

    Hard to tell without pics, but MP3 should get out micro scratches - it's a very mild polish.
  3. AutoObsessed

    AutoObsessed Dealers

    The Griot's Garage #3 is a really nice polish, works well with a orange and pad and you can use it for swirls and as a finish polish. It is also sold in a 16oz size to make it cost effective for the enthusiast.
  4. shamu

    shamu Virgin Detailer

    Thanks for the replies. I plan to clay bar and polish this weekend... I will post pics then.

    I'm a newbie here... Shamu is the name... glad to have found this website and the wealth of information.
  5. shamu

    shamu Virgin Detailer

    Actually I ended up using Machine Polish 4 ... then waxed with Carnuba... I thought the "scratches" were gone.. checked it in the sunlight... looked awesome.... later that evening, in the garage, under regular lights, I saw the scratches... oh well, I gues I will go back and use #3... but for now it looks like glass.... pics to come.


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