Megs gold class wash $7.49 at costco ymmv

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by lamby, May 23, 2009.

  1. lamby

    lamby Birth of a Detailer

    1 gallon Gold class car wash for $7.49 at costco. Regularly 11.49 but having a special now with an instant $4 rebate. Confirmed in westbury, NY
  2. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah, I seen that at Costco yesterday...not a big fan of gold class though...I prefer Shampoo Plus.
  3. lamby

    lamby Birth of a Detailer

    I was gonna buy it but the line was way too long. It would have only been worth it if I could find the aquapel that everyone is talking about. Never seen it at costco though
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is a great deal on a nice OTH shampoo!
  5. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    $6.97 today at Costco! Last time I bought a jug, I think it was almost $12???
  6. Marc08EX

    Marc08EX Jedi Nuba

    Which Costco? Arrowhead?!!? I'm buying 10!!!
  7. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

  8. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    I was messing around in Walmart the other morning and found some Megs GC soap 48oz for $2. I bought 3. I thought it was a pretty good deal.
  9. 04SierraZ71

    04SierraZ71 Virgin Detailer

    Wow thats a great price. It's one of my favorite OTC washes. I wonder if the Costco's in Canada have this deal. I doubt it though.

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