My friend called me and said that he had tried to return his Tacoma at the end of the lease and that the dealership was going to charge him so much for damage he decided to buy it out and sell it privately. He was, however, convinced that he would have to paint it before selling because of the condition. We agreed on a two stage polish as he was selling the truck so it didn't need to be perfect. Keep in mind that all this truck was used for was to haul his dirt bike out to wherever he was riding when viewing the pics. Engine, jambs, body seams etc cleaned with citrus cleaner and RG Brushes Washed with BH Auto Body Wash Rear bumper polished with P21S Polishing Soap Tires and inner fenders cleaned with AG Powermax3 mixed 4:1 Wheels cleaned with CG Diablo No clay this time as he was selling it Polished with Flex 3403 First stage was done with SIP and a variety of pads incl Uber Orange, Menz Burgundy and Menz Orange Second stage was done with PC7424/ Menz Power Finish and Uber Green LSP was Blackfire AFPP Tires dressed with DG253 Total time - 14 hours over 2 days As delivered Dirty jambs Driver side front door Drivers side rear door Drivers side box more from drivers side box Passenger side rear door Passenger side front door Passenger side front fender Hood First rainy day in 71 days! Drivers side rear door before and a 50/50 of the same panel PTG on roof - yikes. Most readings on the truck fell between 100 and 117 PTG reading on drivers door. May have been repainted! Drivers side front fender same panel 50/50 and finished Tail light before.... and after Hood before... and after Headlight before and after Some more afters Deep scratch on Passenger side pillar. This was after three hits of of polish. Some small rids remained but not many. We couldn't find them outside in the sun. Some gouges on tailgate we couldn't do anything with. Close up of said gouge Etching in passenger side door Money shot! Thanks for looking!
WOW, Ken! Extreme Makeover! seriously, dude...and all the dealership would have done would be glazed it up, and sell it off...
Nice work... I bet your friend could have avoided having to buy out the lease if he had it detailed first!
This may be one of the best you've done this year so far, that came out looking stunning. Amazing what SIP and Power Finish can do, right?