Cant decide on polishes

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Quattro3.2, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Quattro3.2

    Quattro3.2 Virgin Detailer


    I have been on the fence about what polishes to get. I have decided on ordering the PC, but even with all the research I do, I cannot decide on the polishes. I like the idea of the Megs 105/205 with the non-diminishing abrasives, but I also like the Menz line. I hear good things about the 1z stuff too. What would you all recommend for a first timer, with no real experience using a polisher? They will be used on my 2007 Audi A4. I know that Audi has a pretty hard clear and I want to be sure not to screw any thing up. I will be using the DD uber pads. I could also use some suggestions on which combinations you would use.

    BTW, I have gradually getting plenty of LSPs etc. I have natty red, lusso oro, and mothers step 3. I also have Power Lock for my sealant.

    The polishes are the last step in my arsenal. I am looking forward to getting some feedback. Thanks!!

  2. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    As a beginner I used 1z. Still use it. Its easy to use.

    I would start off with the Polish (red can), and see if it gives you the desired surface. If not, go with the more abrasive green can of 1z.

    ITs not much info, but a start. There are guys on this site with much much more experience then I.

    Id search around a bit too. This question has been answered before.

    good luck.
  3. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    If you are going to be using a PC I think using 105/205 would be good polishes to use. Not saying that Menz polishes can't be used but I think you will find it an easier go of things with 105/205 given the right pad combination. I have always had luck with an orange LC pad and 105 on several different types of clear and even had it finish down ready for LSP. However, saying that I know others have had different experiences around here. I think what you will find is that everyone has their own magin potion and it takes practice and learning of the different products to give yourself a better understanding what suits your individual needs. I hope this helps.
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing


    I have the basics for polishing. No more, no less.

    Menzerna SIP
    Menzerna PowerFinish
    Menzerna 85RD

    In all honesty, those four polishes should cover all the bases on just about any car you do.
    It's the polish/pad combos that are way more varied than the choices in polishes.

    Shop wisely.
  5. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    I keep hearing and reading that M205 is an excellent polish but doesn't finish quite as clear as some of the detailers would like but can't comment as my M105 and M205 are just sitting on my shelf unused.

    I really like Menzerna polishes, PO203S Power Finish and 106FA Super Finish. Power Finish corrects really well with a polishing or light cutting pad and finishes down nicely. 106FA with a light polishing or finishing pad gives an amazing gloss and wipes off easy, also has a fast working time.
  6. HPIA4v2

    HPIA4v2 Birth of a Detailer

    If you have bad swirls M105 is great, cut the time down tremendously.
    But one think to consider is that you won't be needing M015 yearly like PO85RD (jeweling polish), unless you are taking your car to wash machine all the time; so my guess is to get/buy not the whole 320z from someone locally.

    Are you happen to be in Seattle area, I can give you some M105 to use free of charge just bring empty plastic bottle.
  7. Quattro3.2

    Quattro3.2 Virgin Detailer

    This is all great info! Thanks for the help. I am going to try and get some pictures after work tomorrow and update the post. :applause:

    That is my motto in life. I was thinking about the combo of different brands. Thanks for the list. What pads combos would you recommend with the steps?

    Thanks for the offer, but I am in Cincinnati. I have been trying to find a good detailing shop that might let me hang around and watch the proper techniques in exchange for some free labor around the shop. No one is interested in teaching.
  8. HPIA4v2

    HPIA4v2 Birth of a Detailer

    Brad, have you checked these videos?
    Detailing Videos Detailersdomain's Weblog

    polishing is no rocket science but to be a master it may take plenty of time/practice, so don't get discourage if you can't get rid all of the swirl on your first try, there is always next spring. Yes Audi clear coat is very hard, I owned B5 A4 once.
    in any rate have fun.
  9. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    sounds like you're a hobbiest and not a pro detailer, so theres no need for 3-4 polished imo - you're better off putting the money towards multiple pads.... you'll need 2-3 of each color for a full detail, plus those same pads in a smaller 4" size for hard to reach areas

    i would start with menz 203S

    you can change the pads to get more bite out of it, and likewise to finish down

    its a great one step polish
  10. Quattro3.2

    Quattro3.2 Virgin Detailer

    I have attached some pictures so you can get a better idea of what I am working with. Forgive the quality of the pictures. I'm still trying to figure out how to take them Mostly a bunch of swirls. There are a few scratches in the paint. I did the finger nail test, and they BARELY grab a nail. I am hoping that they will be gone, or greatly dimished.

    After seeing what I am working with, any other recommendations? Any pointers are welcome.

    I am looking forward to diving into this. I want to practice and get better. I enjoy detailing and would like to add more to my skill set. Thanks for the support.

    I am by no means a pro. Like i said above, I want to learn more. You are right, I want to learn the intricacies of one polish set. I am leaning more towards the Menz line.

    Attached Files:

  11. grease

    grease Birth of a Detailer

    What are your thoughts on SIP vs Powerfinish? I use M105/Powerfinish/Superfinish/PO85rd as my selection of polishes. What benefits would I get from adding SIP?
  12. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    SIP has a bit more cut than powerfinish does, so that can be handy at times. especially if a one stepper isn't possible.
  13. Quattro3.2

    Quattro3.2 Virgin Detailer

    It seems like Menzerna really has their abrasive technology perfected...

    After doing some reasearch, I found Wolfgang. It is made by Menzerna and it was recommended to me since I was new to machine polishing or working on anything that might be on the difficult side (i.e. Audi). Have you guys heard of Wolfgang? I have not heard much on this forum about that line.
  14. 07 z-oh-6

    07 z-oh-6 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Wolfgang is made by Menzerna. Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover and Wolfgang Finishing Glaze is essentially the same thing as Menzerna SIP/Nano.

    My polishes of choice are:

    Optimum Hyper Spray Compound
    Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover
    Wolfgang Finishing Glaze

    These three polishes will cover from removing heavy defects, to finish polishing.

    I also have Menzerna Power Finish and 85rd. Power finish is great, but if using it as a one stepper, I don't like to use anything more aggressive than a white pad, because it defeats the purpose of the polish which is having decent cut AND finishing pretty good. Now, if you're using it as a 2 step, you can use and orange pad, then finish with Nano, and possibly 85rd.
    In most situations, 85rd is just icing on the cake.
  15. Dream Machines

    Dream Machines Jedi Nuba

    go with the one product systems
    xpert 1000 and system one x3 are the best products for correcting and other things
    cant burn paint, never leave swirls, use the one product with as many pads as you wish (the more pads, the more clarity, depth and colour shade your car will have

    go with four pads.
    I dont use heavy cut foams as they create too much heat and can induce marring and are very stiff and dont clean as easy

    euro pre polymer closed cell pads are great for correcting but dont wash easy and never dry properly and create more heat thus burnish the paint really well
    american open cell foams are more forgiving, clean easier and finish great, but may not work as well on harder paint

    I recommend buff and shine hex logic pads for ease of use, durability, backing never comes unglued and up to eight varieties in strength. from wool to 100 ppi
    surbuf MF buffing pads work great with the PC too

    SYSTEM ONE X3 Polish

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