polishing/sealing questions

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by citabria949, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. citabria949

    citabria949 Virgin Detailer

    i just signed up and had a few questions maybe some of you could help me with. For about 4 years i worked at a dealership and i was in charge of reconditioning the used cars that came in. Normally i would start by degreasing the engine wheels, jams, etc. Then i would apply a fallout remover and let the paint soak as i applied wheel acid and brushed the wheels (then used acid and steel wool on the exhaust if it need it). Id then spray the car down with a foamer scrub down with a sponge, rinse, and dry with a chamois. Id prep the paint with clay and a body prep solution if necessary then move on to polishing. Id normally use menzerna power gloss then menzerna sip with a purple wool/foam pad then finish with 85rd and a soft foam pad. Id remove any excess polish with a high quality clean microfibre and a quick detailer. Sometimes instead of wiping off excess polish id just wash the car again but a few times the polish caked funny and was a pain to get off. Then id seal with jetseal and a microfibre pad lubbed in quick detailer and remove with a softer microfibre and quick detailer. Ive been reading up on detailing as much as possible and i know enough to know dealerships teach some hack methods to save time. Is there anything in my method that anyone would see as bad detailing, i know the steel wool can scratch the exhaust but generally theres no other way to get out severly stained exhaust. Also I know wheel acid is harsh but again nothing else i try seems to remove deeply caked brake dust. Also since the cars went straight out onto the lot i had the luxury of seeing the cars in bright light over months and watching for defects caused by polishing. Occasionaly on jet black cars in extreme sunlight i would notice lots of marring in the direction i wipe. Im always sure to be careful wiping especially after my finishing polish and could never really pinpoint what caused this. The applicators we used were quite warn and i was considering switching to foam. Now im thinking of doing side jobs but im really worried i might polish a car and have it come back to me deeply swirled or marred (even though i never noticed any swirling on my previous polishes). really sorry for the long post but if anyone has any suggestions it would be very appreciated.

    also im looking into new products for my side jobs but im told no matter what ill need a wheel acid. Can for example sonax wheel cleaner really compare to an acid? and on a side note my managers would always get angry if i took more than 2 hours to finish a 3 stage polish, is this really slow or were they just rushing me?

  2. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba

    Wheel acid has its place, but it shouldn't be used for every job. Try replacing it with Meg's Wheel Brightener, maybe Brown Royal or one of the many products that is discussed here. I've never tried it, but Sonax seems to be a really great product. I've been using BR lately and have been happy with the results I get from it. Auto Glym Custom Wheel Cleaner seems to be another popular product.
  3. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    2 hours for a 3 stage correction . Is that even possible . 2 days sound more accurate . For really dirty wheels i use 4:1 megs apc or super degreasr . super degreaser can take of anything . For mildly dirty wheels ill use cg diablo . Are you doing this outside .Might get marring from dust blowing on it then wiping or the chamios . I wouldnt use purple wool on the second step with pg . I only use purple wool if heavy compounding and my foam cutting pads not cutting it .
  4. citabria949

    citabria949 Virgin Detailer

    hmm ive tried going to walmart and partsource for the megs wheel brightner , no luck. Guess Ill have to try online. I have some sonax on the way but Im worried it wont be aggressive enough for the truly stained wheels. Nope none of the cars were done outside. I think the marring was either from wiping off excess polish or applying the sealant. I try using lots of quick detailer to lube while i wipe off polish but sometimes it seems like theres a lot of excess, especially when using 85rd.

    yeah there were times when a car was due to be delivered that i had like an hour to hour and a half to work on paint that desperately needed a 3 stage. keep that in mind when people bash dealerships, a lot of times those guys have a lot working against them.

    The purple wool/foam seems to be really mild for a wool pad to me. I find that for example a sip is no where near as effective with a regular foam pad. Also it seems a bit easier to work with as the paint doesnt heat up as fast as it does with harder foam pads.
  5. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    there shouldnt really be any exess at all using 85rd . Your probably not working it long enough . There is no way to properly do a 3 step in an hour . Instead of using qd to wipe off excess polish you can use ipa . For a great otc wheel cleaner try eagle 1 a2z . It works amazingly well and is really aggressive .
  6. citabria949

    citabria949 Virgin Detailer

    yeah i think thats my problem i havent had the time to really fully break it down. To me it seems like after a point 85rd doesnt break down, probably just need to try longer or use less. sorry whats an ipa?
  7. Legacy99

    Legacy99 Wax on..Wax off

    What do you think Meg's WB is? It's an acid.
  8. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    i have pretty much no residue whatsoever left with 85rd . ipa is isopropal alochol
  9. citabria949

    citabria949 Virgin Detailer

    hmm okay i think ive found my problem thanks a lot guys. I was always taught no longer than 5minutes a panel.

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