2007 Porsche 997 Twin Turbo: my detailing project

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by bonehead, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Uber Pads are the shit! That's all i use now with exception to the couple of LC pads that i'm trying to wear down to get rid of them LoL
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    On a clear bra you should use something like Menzerna 106ff or fa, and a white LC pad with a DA polisher.
  3. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    Honestly wasn't sure how I felt about the wing. Thought it a bit 'ricey', but I like it. Carbon fiber blade and intakes are great little details that offset any ricey-ness in my mind

    Had a long day today. But managed to pick it up from the shop. Tired as all hell, but I had to wash it. My OCD wouldn't let it sit dirty in the garage:)

    One pic before I dried it off and put it away for the night. The paint work and bra look absolutely horrendous in the sunlight. Got my work cut out for me on this one.

  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Very nice Porsche! I personally like the rear wing and the rear bumper, however, the front bumper is a bit aggressive for me. Nice selection on the wheels though!

    I look forward to you documenting your detail, this one should be good...
  5. detail addiction

    detail addiction DB Pro Supporter

    Find out what kind of clear bra it is first. There are some that will be damaged when cleaned with anything other than a "Plexus" type window cleaner. The newer "Nano" type are very strong and will hold up to a much more aggressive correction. I have used a white LC pad and some Menzerna Power gloss on an Audi R8 hood without any issue but be sure which bra you are working with. Always start with the least aggressive pad/polish combo you have..
  6. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    Thanks for the advice
    PPF is 3M Scotchgard. The pamplet that came with it says "Do not use waxes that contain dyes, abrasives or rubbing compounds". Should I assume this to mean I cannot be polished?
  7. detail addiction

    detail addiction DB Pro Supporter

    I would not do it. It is a very expensive fix if it does get damaged. If you do decide to try it make sure to try it in a low very inconspicuous place first.
  8. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    3M is easy to correct, Venture is more delicate such as this piece on the rear bumper of a BMW 335i I just completed.





    Here is the leading edge of the film incase anyone thinks the pics are of the paint only.

  9. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    Mine looks as bad as that BMW. What pad/polish combo did you use, Bob?
  10. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    That Porsche looks SICK. I actually like the look. Sets you apart from the 459 others I see each day.
  11. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    The process has begun.....Car was washed, exterior and wheels clayed. Interior Leatherique'd. Day 2 tomorrow for the polish, sealant, and wax and Prestine Clean for the seats. Million thanks to Marc08EX for helping me out in the 115 degree heat:devil:
  12. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    I love both the bumper and the spoiler. hehehe if it had PCCB this would be my exact dream car! Perfect choice of wheels!!
  13. Marc08EX

    Marc08EX Jedi Nuba

    It was my pleasure man!!! It was nice to work on such a beautiful piece of machinery. Can't wait for tomorrow's polishing session!
  14. Marc08EX

    Marc08EX Jedi Nuba

    Thanks also for having me over!! Thanks also for lunch :D
  15. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    11 hours today. Car taped off, 2 step polish (SIP/Orange Uber, Super Finish/Green and Black Uber), car re-foamed to remove dust, 2 coats of Power Lock, Prestine Clean interior.

    Didn't even get to the rest of the interior or apply a coat of wax....AND this was with help from Marc08EX.
    It looks great.....but
    I feel like someone took a bat to every part of my body from the neck down. :spank:MAJOR props to those who do this for a living! :worship2:
    I think this may be be my last attempt. I'm too old for this. I'll just stick to the maintenance washes and leave the polishing to the pros.

    Pics later this week. I hope I can make it to work tomorrow....
  16. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Hopefully it was worth it! Just wait till you see your car in the sun tomorrow :mounty:

    Don't give up on polishing, trust me you'll feel beat, after a while you'll be itching to go again. Nothing wrong with occasionally just stripping a panel and just using a finishing polish and really jeweling it, I love to do that sometimes. I get bored and have some spare time, I'll just do a couple panels and re-seal them, then call it quits for the day. Do this a couple times a week, and in a couple weeks you'll have a fully detailed car without kliling youself. Can't wait to see the pics! :thumb:

    BTW, pay attention to the gloss, brightness, and depth and everything with just the sealant on. Then check how it looks after you apply the wax and see what look you like the most. Personally, I prefer the sealant only look.
  17. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    bonehead it didn't happen unless there's pics :D
  18. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    Ok, took a shower. Still feel like crap...but here are some pics:)

    Taped up and ready to go


    Only one before shot. It wasn't pretty


    After one pass with SIP and an orange Uber


    Foam blasted to get the dust off


    Semi-finished product after 2 coats of Powerlock (didn't wax, dress the tires or do the interior yet:( )


  19. Marc08EX

    Marc08EX Jedi Nuba

    Noooo don't quit man!!! It's your first time so you'll feel dead tired! But keep on polishing your own cars and you'll get use to the pain LOL! In all seriousness, yes it does hurt polishing your paint to remove the swirls but at the end of the day, this is nothing compared to the satisfaction you get from doing it yourself.

    Car is looking good! I can't wait for pics after the wax has been put on! Did you notice a difference after the second application of powerlock?
  20. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    Finally had a chance to wash my car after logging about 800 miles from a recent trip to California.
    Just a wash and 2 layers of wax this time around. Still getting some dirty brake water at the bottom of the wheel barrels, but better after I started blowing out the water with hand vac.








    I admittedly didn't vacuum the rugs

    Walk around

    YouTube - Walk around Porsche 997 Turbo

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