How to go about taking care of this?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by draft, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. draft

    draft Virgin Detailer

    Hey guys I'm new here, Im not sure who else to ask except the pros ;)

    Long story short, I noticed some damage to my bumper when I picked up my car from dealer service on June 21 (Monday)
    I am 100% positive none of this damage was there BEFORE I dropped it off.

    Did my usual walk around the car to make sure there werent any door dings etc when I picked her up, but this time I noticed a scuff and another small patch (about the size of a loonie) where it almost appears as if the clearcoat is cracking. (Refer to pic below)

    Also at certain angles it looks as if that very same patch is dimpled, almost like a small dent. I'm not sure if this is due to the texture of the patch or not, or if it is in fact slightly dented.

    So I talked to the service manager who said he'd have to call "their guy" and set up an appointment with him, then they'd contact me.

    So I'm asking all you detailing guys whether or not this looks like something I can tackle by myself with a PC + some polish? Or if it looks to be more of a bodyshop issue and needs to be re-cleared/blended?

    The first scuff I'm not too worried about as I can probably buff that out myself, its that second small patch that worries me.



    This is the patch I was talking about, its a little hard to see, but my blackberry was able to capture it quite well:


    Any comments are welcomed, I apologize if this is the wrong section
  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    where on the car is that "patch"?
  3. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    first scuff is a piece of cake . . . . .some paint cleaner or a light polish should tackle that no problem. The second photo appears to be something that had spilled on the paint such as gasoline which in turn caused the clear coat to kind of bubble up like that. I personally don't think that you will be able to tackle that second piece. That will need to be taken down to a body shop for a spot repair and blend job.
  4. draft

    draft Virgin Detailer

    Sorry guys cant believe I forgot to mention where the damage is
    All of this damage is on the right side of my rear bumper
  5. :agree:
  6. lasthope05

    lasthope05 Jedi Nuba

    Gasoline will not damage paint at all and is pretty safe. What I think that second photo might be is some type of burn because as plastic/urethane heats up and melts it deforms slightly wrinkles the paint on bumpers.

    Something that might of happened is... Car wash boy accidentally scraped your car while driving it to the wash bay. He asks one of the detailers there to try to touch it up. Unexperienced detailer is unable to remove slight scuff and instead burns the paint.
  7. draft

    draft Virgin Detailer

    ^That might be very possible. The one time I forgot to say "NO WASH" this happens... *facepalm*
    I figured it was already noted on my file or something.

    UGH, just the thought of their "bodyshop" guys attempting to blend my paint makes me cringe..
    Who knows how they'll eff it up even more
  8. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Definitely a trip to the bodyshop.
  9. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    well depends on the shop you choose. Ask around this forum as people might live in your area and have a idea on who to go to. There is only one person that will ever touch my car locally because he knows what he is doing and i have watched his work over the years.

    As for the gas thing. When my car was stolen and then recovered . . . . the idiot thieves siphoned the gas out of the tank and it damaged the crap out of my paint. It looked identical to that but about 10x worse.
  10. draft

    draft Virgin Detailer

    Well the only issue is whether or not the service manager will approve of me going to a bodyshop other than their "detailer" to get it fixed, as I'm sure they will want to go the cheapest route possible.

    Im sure I could go to my bodyshop that Ive gone to before, however that would most likely be out of my own pocket.

    The last thing I want to do is pay out of my own pocket for someone else's stupidity.

    Maybe I'll drop by the bodyshop tomorrow and see what they say, then I'll take the quote to nissan. If they make a fuss about it I'll speak to the manager of the dealership

    Thanks for the responses guys
  11. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    i've been in your situation and it can be tough but at the same time you have to stand your ground. Don't let them tell you how they want to fix it.

    You need to tell them what you want. Express to them that the condition of your vehicle was no where near what was delivered to you and you expect for it to be fixed professionally and not just covered up with a hack job.

    Some dealerships will walk all over you if you don't set them straight from the get go. I had damage done to my brand new accord coupe as i was taking delivery of it and you bet you i expressed my mind and told them i wouldn't allow for anyone other then (such and such a shop) touch my vehicle. They asked for the number, had me get a estimate and it was taken care of.
  12. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    brake fluid would couse similar damage to second picture or similar type fluid. i had little run down my painted calipers and it looks like that. so maybe somehow something got on paint from rug or something. maybe just wetsaning it will help depends how paint is in that area, but if they did it, they should fix it.
  13. draft

    draft Virgin Detailer

    ^I totally agree with both of you. I absolutely refuse to pay out of my own pocket on this one.

    Since I dont trust their bodyshop guys or anyone at the dealership I've spoken with ICBC, I can report a claim and take it to a shop of my choice to get it fixed right, then nissan will foot the bill.

    However the only potential problem is when Nissan has to call in to acknowledge that it was them that inflicted the damage. There's nothing to stop them from saying "No, it wasnt us, it was like that when he brought it in"
  14. draft

    draft Virgin Detailer

    Just thought I'd update:

    Just as I suspected, the moment I mention another bodyshop, Dan at nissan says "thats what I'm saying there's no guarantee that we were the ones who did the damage, but I'm saying we're willing to take care of it for you."

    So sure they'll take care of it, but if they're incompetent enough to damage my car during Routine maintnenance, I sure as hell do not want their bodyshop "fixing" it.

    So as of now I'm a little stuck, because Dan is saying they will only take care of it at THEIR shop, but they wont pay if its another shop, and I cant make a claim if they're denying the damage was done in their hands

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