hey all...so it's time to try another polish. m103 and menz203 are generally my polishes of choice, but i also have 106 and 85RD. all-in-all, i generally like working with menzerna products and diminishing polishes. i'm not sure why, but i'm always able to get better results. so here is the question. if i were to add another product to the collection, should i go with SIP or power gloss? ...discuss thanks!
i knew someone was going to say that. i guess i just need to get more confidence with 105. i haven't really used it all that much, but i haven't had that "wow" moment that everyone else has. maybe i'll try a LC foam wool pad and see what it gets me.
I love using wool pads with compounds. Cooler on the surface, I get teh desired results faster, and the holograms are going to be taken out with the next step anyways. M105 + wool ftw. Hell, I've even used SIP and wool with excellent results. Then everything cleans up with 106 and white LC foam.
Instead of he PFW, get the grey or white wool from Gloss it. No comparison. The grey is the more aggressive of the two. Using the GI grey wool and UK Power Gloss, we were removing 6 microns off a clients Suburban.
I'm not a huge fan of the purple pfw. I do however like the 3m wool pads. The ones I use are the white wool 5.25" pads. I'll check out the GI pads too.
Where are you getting them from? I can only find them in 8 and 9 inch which I could not imagine using.
id say get SIP, SIP and 106 is great combo. just like 203 and 85 i used to like powergloss till i tried M105, dont like how PG leaves pigtails
Combination for Most Polish Projects Menzerna PO S100 Power Gloss PO, 203S Power Finish at 1500 RPM along with a suitable Menzerna pad and PO 85 RD Final Finish will take care of 80% of your paint renovation projects • Rotary machine 5" Menzerna Backing Plate M14 x 2 thread • This compounding pad is very firm and has a aggressive cutting action which will remove even deep scratches and severe oxidisation • This polishing pad used at OEM levels by many major automotive manufacturers offers a softer less dense structure over that of the compounding pad. What that means is you have a pad that has enough cut to remove surface oxidisation and swirls whilst at the same time allowing polishes to break down perfectly to a bright glossy finish. • The finishing pad is a much welcome addition to the Menzerna line up of pads. It's the missing link in being able to finish to the very highest levels of gloss. The pad is also ideal for using on softer paints, so it's now possible to achieve the same Menzerna trademark finish on all paint types
You are all set, my friend! I use Power finish on almost all my details and sometimes I refine with PO106FA and the compouding is done with Fast Gloss S500 or RD3.02 with a wool pad. 3M? Finesse-it? Knit Buffing Pad 85079, 5-1/4 in, 10 per inner 50 per case I have those as well, but I prefere Menzernas wool pad and some other that I can buy in Europe, they are very nice.