Need help choosing wax

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Amzoch, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Amzoch

    Amzoch Virgin Detailer

    to buy new wax, what should I choose? Standing between them, will have gloss, wet look, depth and durability.

    1: Swissvax Concorso
    2: Swissvax Mirage
    3: Raceglaze 55
    4: Zymöl Concorso
    5: Zymöl Glazur
    6: Victoria Wax Concours Wax

  2. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Forget SV, unless you value getting raped. They just put a HUGE hike on their prices, for no reason.

    Just get Rubbish Boy's Original Edition and be done with it. Awesome stuff.
  3. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    RG55, Glazur or Vics is my opinion.

    Have not used any of the three but have done research into those 3 as that is what I have been thinking of. RG55 and Vics seems to be similar (hmm maybe something behind that who knows ;) ) but RG55 does have nice durability, depth, wetness.
  4. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I still need to use my vic's red. I tried it out on a section, but didn't really like the removal.
  5. Amzoch

    Amzoch Virgin Detailer

    A price has not gone up here. it's no problem. but do not worry about price .. but the best wax :)
  6. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I've really wanted to try SV concorso. But I never got around to buying it when the prices were still relatively reasonable.
  7. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Well if you dont like it I can take it off your hands ;)

    Where are you located? You can get a 1oz sample pot of RG55 from RG for 5 quid, so cheap way of trying it out, Ken (autoworks exclusive) also has RG55 sample pots.
  8. Amzoch

    Amzoch Virgin Detailer

    agpatel: Norway. Have a sample of rg.and have had a try on the hood... but i don`t know...
  9. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I would go pay a visit to Ketil (Scandic Shine) I dont know how far you would be from him. But he has most of those wax's I think and could give you a good opinion on them for your weather in Norway.
  10. Amzoch

    Amzoch Virgin Detailer

    yes.. long way from him. but he has only sv.. (of them)
  11. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I was thinking of selling/trading one of my pots of it soon.
  12. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    By far and away, Raceglaze 55 is the best wax I have used in the range that you have listed (I have Zymol Concours, a sample of Glasur, tried a sample of Concorso from a friend). It has great durability (4-6 months on a DD), is a pleasure to use, and looks great on any color. Another wax I would suggest to think about is Chemical Guys E-Zyme because it is better than any Zymol wax I have used but is very comparable to RG55.

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