
Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by galaxy, May 26, 2010.

  1. galaxy

    galaxy Any Rag Vehicle Washer this a bad word around here??

    Just joined to hang out and shop around for new pads and did some searching and sure didn't find a whole heck of a lot on any Mothers products.

    Just curious.
  2. Thats mainly due to there products all suck. The powerball is kinda usefull at times, but other then that they have nothing to offer IMPO :hippie:
  3. lasthope05

    lasthope05 Jedi Nuba


    They have some pretty good stuff. Have you tried them or are you just "dogging" them because they are mostly an OTC product?

    Their clays are good. Showtime detailer is an excellent quick detailer and good cleaner. The billet and mag & aluminium are great along with their powerballs. They just came out with some polishes not too long ago but Im hoping to try them out sometime in the future.

    Also most of the stuff in the reflections line is really good if you can still find them.
  4. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    I really liked the Mothers FX Wheel Cleaner before they recently changed it to the Mothers FX Wheel & Tire Cleaner (it went from being an acid, to now being an alkaline).
  5. galaxy

    galaxy Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Yea, I didn't want to stirr the pot as the new guy (no, I'm not a troll, nor new to forums...just this one) but I've been using their interior and other non-paint products for some time, and every time I pick one of their products to try, I end up loving it. Their Showtime Quick Detailer is the best I've ever used. Just recently, I decided to try the paint products (I started using Mothers to begin with because I get everything at cost) and went with the Ultimate Wax System...their 1-2-3 step product. I absolutely loved it!!

    But, I know detailing is a very personal thing. Even beyond that, two people using the exact same products and the exact same recipe, can and will end up with different results. So, it is what it is. I was just really shocked to find almost no mention of Mothers on a detailing forum. But, I'm gonna stick with them for a while.
  6. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I still have a collection of Mother's products that I used in the past, including every single Reflection product and most of the others like Showtime QD, Mag+Alu polish, and their clay. They all worked well and did the job, however only a few proved to be above average in my opinion. I will go over them as follows:

    -Chrome Polish: I have been using this stuff forever as it is one of the easiest and most effective chrome polishes I have used. It may not be able to tackle badly tarnished chrome but it has never let me down on most of the jobs I have used it on.

    -Mag and Aluminum Polish: this stuff is one of my favorite polishes on aluminum and stainless steel because it cuts through oxidation and discoloration quickly and leaves a nice finish. I have had best results by using it on a MF bonnet with my PC and it yields mirror like results.

    -Showtime QD: very easy to use and makes a great clay lube, but is only on par with other good OTC Qds as it cannot compare to the boutique branded detailers I use such as FK, Gloss it, and even Megs UQD.

    I have found that most Reflections products are not worth their price because far better products can be had for the same price. I have tried most of their products save for the pro line and have never been really impressed but most of the products were easy to use and produced so-so results which is in line with the goal of OTC products. The worst of all Mother's product is Back to Black trim coating, horrid stuff.
  7. BigAl3

    BigAl3 Birth of a Detailer

    the fx spray wax and tire shine are both good products...
  8. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Opinions are just that, opinions. If the products work for you and you are happy with the results, thats all that matters.
  9. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    I like the FX Spray too. You get added slicker and added gloss plus some durability and pay less than some of these super detailers (Optimum) that have little durability.

    As for the Reflections, it looks nice, no nasty chemical smell, easy to apply/remove, but not as durable as the newer sealants.

    If durability was someone's sole criteria then they should be using Collinite.
  10. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    As a mass marketed consumer brand, I think it is top notch. However, I don't think any of the mothers stuff can compete with the high-end/boutique stuff. Although, it's like comparing apples to oranges.

    When you look at the quality/price (value) of products you have to consider the market that they are made for. I think saying, "Mothers sucks" is far from accurate. Saying Mothers is inferior to most of the stuff people on this board use, would be a much more accurate/mature/useful statement.
  11. alexd10

    alexd10 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I found their clay bar kit to be pretty good. Also, the aluminum polish worked pretty well for me.
  12. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    People dont realize it, but at one time they were a boutique wax company. The Mothers California gold carnuba wax was my favorite and was actually introduced to me by some of the Football players on the NY Giants. It was expensive and they were the only folks who could afford it in my neighborhood. I remember Perry Williams bought me a big ole tub of it and I cherished it. The product was a translucent yellow wax that did not contain a cleaner. It was great stuff and if it didnt change to a VERY mass produced variation, I would still be using it today (well maybe, along with my new love - Swissvax Concorso).

    In fact, I still use the Mothers california gold shampoo exclusively because it smells the same as the old wax.

    Joe D
  13. SignatureSeriesOwner

    SignatureSeriesOwner Virgin Detailer

    As far as badly tarnished chrome goes.... #000 or #0000 steel wool works WONDERS. Takes a little time and some elbow grease, depending on how bad they are, but it works crazy good. Then, apply some chrome polish, and you're set. I thought I was going to have to rechrome both bumpers on my 1977 Continental, but after using that method, it looks near showroom good now.
  14. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    I like their chrome polish and power ball but I never tried anything else
  15. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    You know, I really liked that one too. I'd forgotten all about it. I'm not sure how it would compare with Duragloss Aquawax, but who knows, maybe I'll try it again.

    I've often found myself wondering if the OTC products are as awful as a lot of us - myself included - think them to be. After all, these are large companies with large budgets for R&D. I'm not saying that their stuff is all of a sudden excellent, just that occasionally, I find myself looking at something like Turtle Wax Ice (or similar) and wondering if it might actually be decent.
  16. THE 92 Z CAR GUY

    THE 92 Z CAR GUY Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I havet tried to much a mothers products i have there powerball which is pretty good,and the clay is good,i have some of theyre cleaner wax(havet tried) turtle wax ice car wash is a good too!and i like meguiars cleaner wax,theyre detailer/clay and theyre gold class wash/wax is good!the wax doesnt last no more than 2 months for me!:afro:
  17. G8GXP

    G8GXP Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    From what I can remember Mothers carnauba cleaner wax, did a pretty good job a few years back. I believe it's suppose to be a detergent resistant wax.. Smells like cinnamon.

    Maybe I'll have to try it again and see how it does. This is the only Mothers product I've purchased.
  18. galaxy

    galaxy Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    My dad was a pro-detailer back in the day...late '70's and just into the early 80's or so. He's told me stories how Mothers was a "boutique" product back then, and was a really awesome product...which makes it funny these days to see it as an OTC product with not much love on the forums.

    Everything I've used I end up loving and yes, pretty much anything they have out smells great.

    While the paint care products I've tried are not mind blowing (they are as good as what I've been using, but not really better), I will say that washing after using the carnuba paste (step3) my cars have never ever dried off so quick, effortless, and streak free.

    krshultz made a great point...they have the money, gotta be some good work going on behind thsoe doors.
  19. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    I agree with your first comment. For a few extra bucks, you can get a much better product.

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