what are your plans for this long weekend????

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by trhland, May 26, 2010.

  1. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    my wife and kids are going away soillhave the house to myself for 3 days!!!!!!!

    heres my plan. im going to detail my truck saturday and sunday...going to take my time .
    then monday going tohit a massage parlor. :applause: then grab some lunch gohome putmy feet up then rest :thumb: sound slike a plan huu???
  2. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    :joint:eek:h and for the massage. im going for the platinum package
  3. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Enjoy your time with the truck.

    My mother, brother, and aunt will be visiting for a few days. I have the rest of the next week off. It's actually my first official vacation of this year ... I haven't taken any vacation days since I changed jobs. I'm planning on visiting D.C. with the family. I'm not planning to touch my vehicles for a couple weeks ... too many things going on. Maybe the causal afternoon wash, but nothing major.
  4. moldremoval24

    moldremoval24 Virgin Detailer

    My plan is flying to NY, weather there is like heaven
  5. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    With the markets being the way they are it has been reaking havoc at work so I am just going to sit back and relax and enjoy not having to deal with the opening bell on Monday. I think I might take a small road trip through Northern VA wine country, they have some decent roads back there in the Shenandoah Valley.
  6. anyone wanna spam sandwhich :giggle:
  7. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Enjoy it ... I'm about to take the wifey to Wine Country for a date in a few weeks.
  8. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Go to Chrysalis Vineyards I believe its in Middleburg, great place. If you google Virginia wine there is a website that has a whole map of all the vineyards and links to each website.
  9. detailingsincetheageof5

    detailingsincetheageof5 Virgin Detailer

    Wifes 535xi has been a bit neglected lately, so it's in for a complete detail this weekend. :applause:
  10. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    imgoing to have a large gatorade/ music. and imight order a pizza. and just me and the truck..its nice not to rush the weather looks great!!! and i have somenew stuff to use . so should be nice cant wait.. my truck needs a nice coat of concorso:applause:
  11. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    X5 Detail
    M3 Detail
    Finish building privacy fence
    throw some meat on the grill
    drink some liquor

    **In that order**
  12. racersky

    racersky Jedi Nuba

    I haven't detailed my car in almost a year. Since I have been practicing and gathering up a lot of knowledge from this forum I'm gonna see if I could put everything to good use :headbang:
  13. Dial Up

    Dial Up Birth of a Detailer

    business as usual @ my job, except my boss should be off Monday :thumb:

    so my 3403 and service truck will have a meet and greet :headbang:
  14. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru


    a weekend of relaxation for sure. Might hit the drag races myself and see what's up there. Hang with the GF and family.
  15. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    wow you for sure need a long weekend for those babys!!! awesome
  16. moldremoval24

    moldremoval24 Virgin Detailer


    Where you fill better now

    Florida or New york

    According to Weather?


  17. daveinsweethome

    daveinsweethome DB Forum Supporter

    sunday brunch with wife at a oregon winery. then a blast through mountains home in amg
  18. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    well i went for my massage and it SUCKED!!!!!.. still working on the truck . little by little ...

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