Labelling Spray Bottles

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by BrendanS, May 10, 2010.

  1. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    hey guys,

    I like to keep my collection organized, and part or that involves having my spray bottles labelled. I have a label printer and used that to print the labels and then I stuck them on to the bottle. On top of that label I used packaging tape. Unfortunately it didn't hold up very well and now all my spray bottles are starting to lose their labels. This is what it looked like when I had them "freshly labelled"

    Just wondering what you guys use to label your spray bottles.

  2. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    A sharpie
  3. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    haha I forgot to mention that I want to be neat, I can't write on bottles for sh*t:shead:
  4. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    i rarely label my bottles, if im confused, i just open it up and smell it.
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    sharpie, i used dyno label maker for polish bottle but they come off overtime
  6. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba


    +1 That's what I resort to when the Sharpie writing fades. Labels rarely hold up IME. They look good at first but go to poo after a while.
  7. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    haha yeah thats what happened to my labels, I wonder if writing on a piece of painters tape and then putting it on the bottle would work...
  8. detailjohn

    detailjohn Detailers Advertising Scheme

    I also use a label maker. Looks clean and organized.
  9. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I got water proof labels from ebay and use them on all my bottles. They have been on for around 4-5 months now and have had no issues with pealing or fading (laser printer). They have gotten wet, had apc on them and still looking good.
  10. mcdbrendan

    mcdbrendan Virgin Detailer

    I used the "guess and smell" method, until I found that missing bottle of ammonia a few weeks later... definitely started a migraine with that one.

    Now I use a sharpie on painters tape. I change the contents of the bottle too much to write it permanently.
  11. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Brother brand hand held label printer, works great and it was cheap.
  12. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    ahh sounds like a great idea, thanks! Got any pics?
  13. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Most of my stuff is packed up and at my parents house but here are two bottles I still have at my apartment. You can get them in almost any size you like, any Avery standard label size. They are a plastic like label with a nice strong adhesive. Print them off on my laser printer and have not had issues. Some have the black toner fading a bit, but those are the ones that I use a lot of abuse. But they have lasted longer than Dyna (sp) label maker labels or anything similar.

  14. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    i use a sharpie and usually write the dilution ratio as well as the name .
  15. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Sorry, pictures are terrible...Just went out to snap them cause somebody wanted them so bad (kc1337) :p. Uncle and I just put up some shelving. I like this set up, so much easier to grab spray bottles now.


  16. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    as you can see, all the labels have gone to poop now... I may end up just printing out new labels and going over it with scotch tape...I think thats what I did before. It looked good for a while
  17. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    guess and smell method here as well LoL but im looking to label my models for that clean appearance and so i can have different dilutions of different products.

    If the printing label things isn't working get you girlfriend or wife or even a lady friend to write on the bottles with a sharpies. Women's writing is usually very neat and uniformed.
  18. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    blue painters tape and a sharpie.

    Why does that "water" bottle have a green tint? Time to update the label.
  19. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

    I use a piece of blue painters tape on my bottles.

    I put the tape on them as soon as i get them from US Plastics and on the tape i mark off the 1:8 , 1:4 and 1:2 ratio marks.

    this way i always know how much xxx to put in the bottle.

    it has been 9 months and the tape is holding on just fine too. even on the APC and SDG bottles :)
  20. bvhbmw

    bvhbmw Birth of a Detailer

    your labels look like they come from a casio machine. the brother label makers are better and are waterproof.

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