Autoality--Pittsburgh's Detailing Store--review

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Audi2.7t, May 4, 2010.

  1. Audi2.7t

    Audi2.7t Two Bucket System Washer

    Hey guys, just wanted to give any greater Pittsburgh area detailers or DIYers a heads up on a great detailing supplies store--Autoality. Autoality has two locations; Ross Park Mall and Monroeville Mall. FYI I am in no way affiliated with the store. I visited it for the first time Friday and just wanted to give a little review to get the name out because it is truly an awesome store.

    Unlike a typical Autozone or other car parts store, Autoality specializes in professional detailing supplies. They carry a wide variety of brand lines such as Chemical Guys, Pinnacle, Griots Garage and Meguiars Mirror Glaze--to name a few. Although the store might look a little on the smaller side, expect to be shocked by the selection of products they have (I know I was!). Being in the store and being able to touch all the products is a great experience. It's a detailer's [wet] dream.

    Now the part i was most impressed by, the knowledge provided by Nick (the owner). He is very knowledgeable and whether you are a professional or just a weekend warrior, he can provide a vast amount of information about the products he carries and makes sure you are leaving with the correct products for your purpose.

    Another very impressive point I must hit on is the prices. Autoality has very (VERY) competitive prices and I was completely blown away by some of the "specials" they had in the store when I visited. On top of that, for any locals, you wont need to pay outrageous shipping prices, so that is another huge plus.

    All in all, I was extremely impressed and satisfied when I left the store. Being able to chat with Nick about all the different products was a nice change of pace from just clicking and typing away on the internet. When i return to Pittsburgh in the fall for school, I will most definitely be taking a trip to Autoality for some supplies. I highly recommend everyone in the area to check it out. You wont be disappointed!

    For more information, check out their website: I will give you a heads up, they have more IN the stores than they do on their website. Happy detailing! :thumb:

  2. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    I wish every town had a shop like this.
  3. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Very cool... Please tell Nick to expand and open a shop in Michigan:afro:
  4. Audi2.7t

    Audi2.7t Two Bucket System Washer

    It's funny you say that. We got into talking about expansion, and he mentioned he plans on expanding.....east lol. But hey, ya never know what can happen.....
  5. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Let him know that he has a person interested in running the Metro Detroit store should he decide to expand out here!
  6. zachc

    zachc Two Bucket System Washer

    wow thats awesome, I live right next to the Monroeville mall, thanks for the heads up.
  7. dalst36

    dalst36 Virgin Detailer

    just stopped there today...good deal on diablo!
  8. Audi2.7t

    Audi2.7t Two Bucket System Washer

    Yeah man, they have deals every thursday. Add them on facebook to get the low down.
  9. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    Interesting enough that the owner DB name NDROM(I assume) posted "reviews" on DB with links to his site store. I don't know if the mods noticed but I would easily consider those reviews a sneaky little bit of spam... Kinda annoying to think our sponsors pay good bucks to post stuff and the owner tries to post hidden advertising in his "reviews"..

    EDIT: and seeing how most threads started by NDROM are "product tests" with links to his store, I can't imagine thats not a sneaky way of hiding his advertising..
  10. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    Thanks for the review Eric!

    To clarify, I am not the sole owner-- I am a partner.

    Admins did notice this. It was handled. From the beginning (search my posts), I made my affiliate with the business known. I do not feel like anything I did was "sneaky" in any bit--I consciously tried to make sure it wasn't.

    Honestly, I feel like those reviews are full of quality, relevant content, an not spam-like in any way*. I only posted them to share, what I feel (along with others), to be quality information on products.

    I think it is rare to see quality, objective** product reviews and tests on discussion forums, so I felt like some of you would appreciate them. By the amount of feedback I got from them, I would say I was correct.

    If you disagree and think my reviews and tests were no more than spam, could you direct me to what you find to be a quality write-up?

    If you noticed, I discontinued posting them, and went back and edited the existing ones, immediately after being asked to. I also requested information on sponsoring the forum, but that information was never provided.

    Also, before it comes up, I don't have that many posts on this forum because I avoid posting unless I feel I have something of substance to say.

    Further more, I would like to apologize to any forum sponsors who's toes I may have stepped on. Since the links were to our blog, I didn't think anyone would mind. However, in hindsight, having a watermark in the images I posted did break forum rules. For that, I am genuinely sorry.

    For everyone (sponsors, supporters, members) I have offended, if you are ever in Pittsburgh, I'd love personally offer my apology via a cold brew from East End Brewing or Church Brew Works at my favorite bar, OTB.


    *I firmly believe in ethical business, so I am bothered that you feel like anything I have done was "sneaky" or "spam". I did not jump on DB anonymously, trying to sell Viagra. I have never hidden my personal identity or my affiliation with the business, and I have been accountable and maturely taken responsibility for breaking the rules.

    Every post was RELEVANT, every picture was taken by me, every post was personally written by me, and every post was signed with my name along with multiple way to personally contact me (if you read the blog I even posted a picture of myself)--I don't think any of this was sneaky of spam-like in anyway.

    **I say objective because we are not a manufacturer, we do not have our own brand of chemicals, we don't have any close tie with any company who does, and I usually don't pay for the product (no empty wallet placebo). Although, I offer my opinion at the end of most of the posts, I feel like the majority of the content is objective.
  11. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    :) Noted.
  12. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    I never meant for the post be accusing so I apologize if it was. We have to take everything at face value as there really is no way of clarification until an issue comes up.

    There were in fact links on your blog to your store, which I can't imagine weren't intentional.

    I am not a vendor here merely a customer and can appreciate the money these guys put into their sponsorship fees. Considering everything is run like a business here whether blatant or disguised, its tough as a semi-older member here to watch new posts which are obviously directed at business come up here every so often. We see it on other forums as well, some people are just more direct about it. I don't think what was originally posted was "unethical" but I do think it did have a little bit of an advertising word meant in(as shown by the multiple links to your store) it regardless of who's opinion was shared at the end or who's pictures were posted with contact info.

    Thanks for the clarification on it:)

  13. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    The point of me posting had nothing to do with drumming up business--the idea was to share information. If I had the time, I would happily re-write everything and re-edit pictures to not have the water spot to share it. However, considering the time needed to do that, it isn't worth it to me at this time.

    The links to the store were not posted on the forum, the links to the store were in the blog. Saying that posting a link to something that contains links to something else is "spam" is ridiculous. I recognize that due to simple oversight I did break the rules, and I had no problem correcting my posts, however, calling my posts "sneaky' and 'spam" is is inaccurate in the least.

    Furthermore, if I was trying to gain business by posting, this is the last forum I would post to. Although I haven't been a member that long, I have been following DB for quite a while. Most of the people on the forum are VERY loyal, and I respect that.

    Again, I apologize for offending you. Like I said, the information I shared was for the purpose of spreading (what I think to be) quality information.


    PS- Getcha, I'm serious about that beer.

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