Biggest peeve when people are around your car

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by TheRustySuper, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    Forgive me if this topic has already been started...but what is your biggest peeve when you give someone else a ride or they're around your car?

    For example, I drive an '09 GTI, and generally keep it very clean. Since I don't do paint correction (yet), I try to keep my paint free from any swirls and scratches as well...the paint's in pretty good shape and I intend to keep it that way. It really irritates me when people put their hands ALL OVER my hatch to close it, and my doors as well. It also bugs me when people drag things out of the hatch, and thump them on the bumper. I always have to watch when people unload things out of my car so I can grab whatever they're hauling out so it won't damage my bumper. And then there's my brother...I take him to school every other morning, and he can't seem to get in and out of the car without kicking everything. But he's getting better, because I'm tired of having scuff marks all over my glove box door. Oh, and when people throw their jackets or books on my car because they say "it's clean, so I can actually put stuff on it!" :doh:

    Am I just crazy, or do y'all get annoyed when people do stuff like this to a car you really try to keep nice? I know stuff happens, especially since it's my everyday car, but I love this car and try really hard to keep it looking nice, and it makes me kinda mad that people treat it like it's their mom's filthy beat up Dodge minivan.
  2. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    One of them is the same, they close the hatch on my GTI from the outside and not the grab handle on the inside thus you have finger marks on the bottom lip.

    When they move the seat back they just pull the lever up and seat slides back fast and hits the stopper, and another one is touching the inside of the glass just for the heck of it and getting marks all over it. grrr! haha

    Good thing I dont have many people in my car ever.
  3. Tire Shredder

    Tire Shredder Jedi Nuba

    people touching the glass. furthermore, people shutting the door by putting their hands on my (frameless) windows.

    "is it single or twin turbo?"
  4. Chineseguy

    Chineseguy Birth of a Detailer

    It's hard to yell at these people because they have no idea it's wrong. It's like yelling at a 4 month old baby. Both will not understand why you're mad.
  5. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    first thing i do is clear bra the side skirts on all my cars

    ppl love slamming their heels on my side skirts getting in and out of the car
  6. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I have a couple:

    -People grabbing the paint to close the door, leaving scratches and finger prints.

    -People point at their reflection, realizing they left a finger print, then apologize and proceed to wipe off the finger print with their shirt or jacket.

    -People leaning up onto the paint when looking at the engine bay, leaving hand prints and scratches.
  7. durabio

    durabio Birth of a Detailer

    1. when they lean on your car...

    2. when they put something on top of your car, i.e. a cup

    3. when they touch the windows ):
  8. cleanfiend

    cleanfiend Jedi Nuba

    The finger marks on the back hatch are a big one, its so noticeable. When my parents borrow my car, they always close the hatch like that and its very annoying.

    and here is the rest of the list:
    -i hate it when people lean up against my car, or when my dumb@ss friends think its funny to sit on my hood when pulling into a parking space that they are standing in :mad: (solved that one by doing a launch in reverse. he fell on his ass and needless to say, he never did that again)

    -another thing that really annoys me is when people get in/out of my car and manage to hit whatever they are carrying against the paintwork, namely purses.

    -finally, i cant stand it when people just let go of the seatbelt and it smacks into either the interior or the doorjamb...makes me cringe

    rant over :drinking2:
  9. Paul S

    Paul S Birth of a Detailer

    The older I get the less that stuff bothers me. My rules are simple - 1.No feet on the dash , even when bare. 2. Don't slam the doors. 3. Don't set anything on the exterior surface. 3. Please watch the doors when entering or exiting the car , especially if another car or curb is near. With grandkids and dogs , I find that it dosen't pay to sweat the small stuff anymore. Just an excuse to do some more detailing.
  10. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Don't have my own car, but I drive my dads CRV, (which needs a detail badly!) I maintain my parents cars (CRV, RX350) and the biggest pet peeve I have is when I washed and waxed the car and my mom chooses to take the clean one out in the rain... Another is when friends lean on the car, or sit on the front bumper, or when friends don't take off there shoes before coming in the car (jk). AND when the car is clean and instead of closing the door by pushing by the plastic area by the window the push in the center of the door...

    People think I'm crazy when I tell them how to close a door...
  11. fj maverick

    fj maverick Virgin Detailer

    Slamming my trunk (A4 trunks are super light). Leaning on my car yes your brass buttons on your ass do scratch my car dont pretend like Im the dick for pointing it out. Also when people put things on my interior trim that scratch it... Those are the big three. This doesnt happen to me but I see people do it drawing in the dirt on someones car seriously wtf.
  12. Ian

    Ian Jedi Nuba

    I hate when people touch my windshield and leave a finger print that I can see out of the corner of my eye and when they see something on my car and go to rub it with their fingers ( cause it hasn't been washed in about a week but it's still kinda clean )
  13. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    I agree, when closing the door! I've taught my girlfriend to put her fingers on the weatherstripping when she closes the door, as it wont leave fingerprints. :)

    but I always keep a MF and some QD and waterless wash in my car.
  14. mutmanns

    mutmanns DB Forum Supporter

    The sound of someone slamming my doors shut is worse than chalk running across a chalkboard.
  15. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    This. I have an eleven year old sister and whenever I have to pick her or her friends up I die a little. No matter how many times I tell them they absolutely cannot keep from slamming the doors shut. That and shoes on the back on my seats. I mean really? :waiting:
  16. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    1: Slamming Door. I HATE this. Doors dont need to be slammed to be closed

    2: Leaning on the car. I dont know why people do this. End up with scratches on the car from pants and stuff

    3: Touching Windows.... I hate this also.
  17. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Same things with my GTI. (Which is being sold for a Diesel Wagon).

    I'll miss her, but family is more important than a zippy car for me to drive.
  18. PJ502

    PJ502 Virgin Detailer

    I have a truck so naturally people think that my bed is a trash bin. Why? Is it because it's nice and open and people next to us can't see it?

    Or when people touch my radio/ipod. It's an ipod touch, I use the controls on the radio to keep the smears off the ipod, don't touch the ipod with your greasy fingers.

    Or when people don't wipe their feet. I have vinyl floors, so any dirt on the bottom of your shoe transfers to my floor, in which I have to scrub the next time I wash my vehicle.
  19. racersky

    racersky Jedi Nuba

    -Drawing on the windows when their all fogged up.

    - Putting their feet on my dash.

    -Slamming the door hard as hell.

    -Blasting my stereo because it's their jam on the radio o_O.

    The list goes on lol
  20. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    Dragging finger across dusty surface.

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