Micro Fiber towels from Wal-Mart

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by ismegamanthere, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. ismegamanthere

    ismegamanthere Two Bucket System Washer

    Alright, so I'm supposed to detail a GT-R on Friday and it was VERY short notice. I really don't have time to order products online so I'm wondering about Wal-Mart and the quality of the micro fiber towels they have. I should have plenty of MF towels for drying and buffing, but I want to be on the safe side here. Can anybody help me out? Are they decent at all?
  2. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    if there the viken brand .there nice ive used them before..
  3. ismegamanthere

    ismegamanthere Two Bucket System Washer

    Thank you for the quick reply, I'm about to head out now
  4. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    k-mark will have the viken brand.

    Also stop off at pepboys or advance and look for the AutoSpa brand they are good.
  5. BigAl3

    BigAl3 Birth of a Detailer

    k-mart and kragen both carry viking microfiber towels...
  6. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Don't forget about Target. The grey MFs are nice.
  7. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Birth of a Detailer

    Pretty sure they are all 80/20, most higher end ones are 70/30:shead:
  8. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    where are you located? Maybe someone can ship some to you that is close by if they have some for sale as well. Or they may be driving distance.
  9. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    was just looking at those micro's today . . . . not to purchase but man they are super soft.
  10. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Birth of a Detailer

  11. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    if you plan on ever ordering any online . detailers domain simply has the best microfiber towels ive ever used!!! the 24x 16 ones are over a year old and there just as soft as the day i bought them ..and the price is right too....
  12. ismegamanthere

    ismegamanthere Two Bucket System Washer

    Woo! Nice link, thank you! Are all those towels good quality?
  13. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Birth of a Detailer

    Yes they are the exact same ones sold for much more!
    I have close to two hundred assorted towels and have washed them and still as good as when I bought them!
    If your not sure he wil send you a free sample so you can't go wrong.
  14. ismegamanthere

    ismegamanthere Two Bucket System Washer

    That's awesome, thanks for the link! I'm going to have to try these out along with the CG yellow MF towels I just ordered.
  15. Superior Detailing

    Superior Detailing Virgin Detailer

  16. Carbon

    Carbon DB Forum Supporter

    I used the walmart ones, they work fine and I use them alot for door jambs and stuff. Soft enough for paint and I always buy a pack when i'm in walmart.
  17. Audi2.7t

    Audi2.7t Two Bucket System Washer

    The whole sale distributors "heavy" towel is very similar (if not exactly the same) to the CG yellow MF. I've gotten plenty of towels from this distributor and love thier towels. No problems with quality.

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