lusso oro and petes '53

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by cleanfiend, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. cleanfiend

    cleanfiend Jedi Nuba

    im interested im both of these waxes and they are about the same price. what are the differences in looks? durability? beading? and application

    im also interested in 50/50, so if anyone feels like commenting on that wax, feel free

  2. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    everytime i open my cupboard i keep opening the lid on lusso for a whiff

    i havent used it yet, but i can already imagine working with this wax will be a very pleasant experience given the coconut smell

    best smelling LSP i have!!!
  3. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    id say theyre about the same except the application. lusso is more of a wax on wax off LSP. if you let it sit too long it becomes pretty hard to remove.
  4. Strytnyne

    Strytnyne DB Forum Supporter

    thats weird i think 53 smells alot like coconut too.

    swissvax glacier smells like watermelon bubblegum though ^^ that however is irrelevant. but having used 53 recently my car, i love it.
  5. markwatson157

    markwatson157 Virgin Detailer

    Great deal on lusso at Spoiled Biker. Was looking for parts for my bike and ean across a bargqain. Needless to say I forgot about the part and stocked up un the lusso.
  6. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    damn thats a killer deal man! good find.
  7. cleanfiend

    cleanfiend Jedi Nuba

    thats a hard deal to pass up...and i told myself that i wouldnt buy anymore detailing stuff for at least a month:crash:
  8. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    You will learn fast that it is NEVER going to happen LOL.
  9. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    AHHH!! I just got a pot of Lusso Oro... I didnt even use it yet! Might get another one! *(MUST RESIST THE FORCE)*
  10. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I personally find Lusso a bit easier to apply, but Pete's lasts longer and the beading is wicked!
  11. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Good luck with that cleanfiend!!!!! I say that all the time.
  12. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Pete's 53 is awesome.
  13. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Pete's 53 produces some of the tight beading action out there! Lusso is quite nice too, but beading is not as tight as Pete's 53.
  14. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    Lusso is so easy to use it is almost as if you never really applied any at all. It leaves a fantastic finish and seems to last 4 weeks minimum but the beading is definately not the best out there. It spreads very easily and is quite hard so it helps you avoid over application.

    It is the best smelling car care product I have right now, unbelievably good.
  15. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    i did same in january, didnt buy anything, just did trades lol

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