Detroit skyline

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by richy, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    The name sounds familer but other but I can't picture any Daniels I knew (other than Jack of course).

    Sounds like Deep Glass Auto's been hiting the bottle again! :drinking2:
  2. richy

    richy Guest

    Jason..I was just busting your balls about your choice of the word "historic" to descrive Utica, that's all.
  3. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

    it is funny to see it explained that way but they actually have some tight houses still down town. i ride through there all the time. (bicycle)
  4. richy

    richy Guest

    I have great memories of growing up in the Detroit area (I probably was physically closer than a lot of you in spite of being across the's a 5 minute drive). My parents had season's tickets in '84 when the Tigers won. I remember Joe Meur's restaurant, an awesome little restaurant just down the road called Cardinelli's which was run by an old Italian couple...they did not have a liquor licence and served wine in plastic opaque pitchers...a local treasure that was and he got all his meat fresh at the Eastern market. I remember Farrels at 14 mile rd as a kid..can you say ice cream??? My first concert was Kiss at Cobo Hall in 1976(Joe Louis arena had yet to be built). I remember Canadians and Americans taking the Boblo boat to Boblo Island amusement park..that was incredibly cool. And I've been going to the "car show", now the NAIAS since I was a kid. I remember taking my girlfriend to the Whitney and passing the Vernors plant. The wheels of freedom antique car parade that used to start in Windsor, cross the Ambassador bridge and end up at GM down Woodward Ave. Also, going to Sinbads by boat for their amazing clam chowder. I have many great memories of the Detroit area.
  5. David Fermani

    David Fermani DB Certified Manufacturer

    X 1,000,000 :headbang:
  6. richy

    richy Guest

    Dave, I've followed your work at the big A...great to see you here!!
  7. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

  8. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Ahh gotcha.. It honestly is classified as a histpric district... ONLY the downtown area

    You probably bike right pass my house....
  9. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    I also have good memories growing up in the Detroit area and I've been to most of the places you mentioned.
  10. carcat

    carcat Virgin Detailer

    Having only recently moved from Ohio to Troy, Michigan, back in 2003, I can attest to many of the observations, both positive and negative.

    Since I am not a Metro Detroiter by birth, I can be very subjective in my opinion as a transplanted resident of just 6 years or so.

    Obviously the economic conditions and recession since 2007 didn't help, but Detroit has certainly improved from 2003 when my family and I first relocated here.

    Upper-scale communities like Birmingham, Grosse Pointe Shores and even more modest communities like Huntington Woods, Royal Oak and Pleasant Ridge are still very much intact.

    With Kwame Kilpatrick gone, and most of the bad Detroit City Council members gone, perhaps there is a smidgen of hope for the city of Detroit to recover and prosper.
  11. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    That's Daniel we are Daniels. :p
  12. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    What is your last name?

    My grandparents on my dad's side had 12 kids so I have family all over. The nice thing is a few of them have retired to Daytona so we always have a place to stay when we head down there.
  13. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    I miss Boblo. The island has some pretty nice houses on it now though and that needle still stands. Funny little story. My wife and I stayed in a hotel in Toledo a few years ago and our room faced the Maumee River. I looked out the window and saw the old Boblo boat docked there! They were using it as a haunted house for halloween at the time but was in the middle of restoring it. It was nice because we could catch the boat from Bishop Park in Wyandotte. Another funny story. My uncle was at a wedding in another state a couple years ago. The reception was on a big boat. He was bored and got to talkign to the captain and my uncle asked the guy if he ever heard of the Boblo boat and the captain had. My uncle went on to tell the captain that he used to be the captain of the Boblo boat, total lie, and the captain let my uncle drive the boat the wedding was on and told my uncle it was an honor. hahahaha

    Do you ever make it for Autorama? If I hit up a show at Cobo it's usually that one.
  14. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    If you don't mind me asking, what made you come to Michigan for work? Or did your company relocate you? A good friend of mine works in Troy.
  15. GBS

    GBS Wax on..Wax off

    My last name is Sword! :gidiup:

    I also remember going to Boblo and catching the boat at Bishop Park. I also use to ride my bike down to Bishop and go fishing there as a kid. When I live on Grosse Ile I use to jet ski over to Boblo island and go to the beach on the back side facing the US. We use to have a lot of fun going to hidden lake and tie off our boats in the summer. Big party spot if you're into boating. I have heard since 9/11 it's harder to just go over to the Canadian side.
  16. richy

    richy Guest

    Bob..I never cared for Autorama..the NAIAS, or the "car show" as it's been called forever, I would not miss..going there Wednesday this week.
  17. carcat

    carcat Virgin Detailer

    Relocated by company, Bob.

    Oakland County is still a good place to raise a family, and despite all the gloomy environment ..... there are pockets of optimism.
  18. bimmer nation

    bimmer nation Birth of a Detailer

    love the rule of thirds in the pic with the hilton building
  19. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

  20. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    Yeah, I think it used to be you just had to call customs with the names of the people on your boat and their ss numbers or something. Now I'm guessing you might need a passport but I'm not sure. I have not been on the river since last year and we stayed in the states.

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