High Pressure Self Washes: Safe?

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by MisterShark, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. MisterShark

    MisterShark Birth of a Detailer

    I've stumbled upon a car wash near work that has several self wash stations that have the brush and wand, with a dial that allows you to select soap/ rinse/ brush/ etc..

    My question is: is it safe to use the high pressure wand on my currently very salty black 09 RAV4?

    If so, should I use whatever soap is provided (when the dial is set to that setting)?

    I know to stay away from the brush, and would just like to get this salty crap off of my clearcoat.
    just figured I'd better check with the professionals on this before doing it for the first time and inadvertantly blast-embedding the grime into my finish or some such scenario.
  2. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    I wouldn't use the soap as those coin-op places usually use very harsh soaps to get maximum cleaning and it will most likely strip any protection you have on it. I would just use the high pressure sprayer with plain water to get as much grime and salt off as I could. You could mix up a bottle of your favorite maint. soap and some water in a spray bottle and pre-spray the car before rinsing with the high pressure.
  3. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest


    also after you use a quarter bay. (not knowing what contry or state your in) check your windows for any oily residue to see if they are recycling the water in any way. i have one by my house that i swear leaves a nasty film on my car.
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  5. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I think in some locales they are forced to recycle the water.
  6. MisterShark

    MisterShark Birth of a Detailer

    I'm in New Jersey; one of the bluest of blue states, so I'm guessing the water recycling could be a possibility here.

    Thanks all. I almost didn't ask the soap question, but something just told me to be thorough and go ahead and ask. Glad I did.
  7. MisterShark

    MisterShark Birth of a Detailer

    I'm about to head over to the place shortly.

    If I find that they do in fact recycle their water: is there a chance that some of that recaptured water might contain dirt particles that would end up blasting through the pressure washer and therein 'sandblast' my car's clearcoat?
  8. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    i just use regular hose and use different settings to rince the car off. trying not to touch car at all and just rince it this winter, im sure im gona wash it anyway but when im gona see it will be clean for more then a week.

    just use presure rince and it will be fine. wash it when weather gets warm

    they recycle water to get discounts. it has to be done to get permit, doesnt mean they use it after since its expencive to mantain
  9. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    im pretty sure most places here in NJ recycle the water and it has a horrible effect on the paint. A while back my mom got her oil changed on her truck (dont ask me why she didnt ask me to do it) and they threw in a free car wash

    well it was horrible... from the looks of it they didnt touch it with a brush,thank God, but they did try to rinse it. it left this nasty film on the car and soap spots all over. thankfully the truck had a layer of M-seal in it it and all it needed to be back in its former glory was a regular professional wash lol. i suggest trying to hose your car down at your house to the best of your abilities. also invest in ONR for the winter months

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