Looking for FMJ

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Cleaning Fool, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Cleaning Fool

    Cleaning Fool Birth of a Detailer

    Ive got a jar of DP Max Wax, 95% full, Clearkote Carnuaba Moose 80% full, Menzerna 106ff, 10 ounces....Let me know...Thanks
  2. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    mmm waxxxxx.

    how much of FJM are you looking for?
  3. Cleaning Fool

    Cleaning Fool Birth of a Detailer

    Oh i don't know 8-10 ounces i guess...how much can you spare? Give me a decent quantity and the waxes are yours
  4. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    ok ill check what i have left. ill probably be using 845 from now on so probably not gona use FJM since there is huge price difference. ill let you know
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    got good amount of it left imi sure at least 20-30 oz all together
    how much of 106ff do you have?

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