Bugatti Footage Actually driving into lake!

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Chas, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

  2. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Damn, looked like he just turned off the road on purpose....but still gotta laugh about the, "I think its a Lambo..."
  3. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Thats awesome. If that idiot hasn't learned not to use his cell while driving by now...... Epic Fail!!
  4. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    I am just baffled at the fact that the guy thought it was a Lambo. Seriously?

    Some detailer has his work cut out for him after they get this thing dried our and running again haha.
  5. NotZeroSix

    NotZeroSix Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I KNOW! That sucks. Its kinda like owning a 911 GT3 and most of the public thought it was a boxster.
  6. invaderzim

    invaderzim Jedi Nuba

    Well it had to be a lambo or a ferrari right? Those are the only 2 types of really high end sports cars and since it was more edgy looking it must be a lambo.

    I loved the 'gonna have one of those' comment along with the wrong guess.
  7. rtrt2889

    rtrt2889 Birth of a Detailer

    I don't know what's more sad...the crash or the guy thinking it's a lambo.

    That would suck....:drinking2:
  8. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    low flying pelican, huh???
  9. Erik Mejia

    Erik Mejia Obsessive Detailer

    Let this be a lesson to Maria Shriver.
  10. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I wonder what the real reason was to him/her crashing. :shead:
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Hahahahaha Lambo hahahahahahaha :lol2: :lol2:
  12. Got Wax

    Got Wax Banned

    "I think it's a Lambo, Dude":giggle:
  13. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

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