Opinions on Zymol Field Glaze carnauba spritz?

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by milabfocker, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. milabfocker

    milabfocker Jedi Nuba

    Can anyone offer input regarding product performance? Contemplating purchasing this item and would like to know individual members' assessment of this product. Does it offer anything above and beyond standard quick detailers (I currently use Meg's Last Touch for routine purposes and Meg's UQD for final wipedown)?
  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I really enjoy using Field Glaze and me personaly I feel it does a better job then the 1000 quick detailers. From what I've read Field Glaze has a higher carnauba content then all the other quick detailers...now I don't know exactly how much carnauba content it really does have but that's just what I've been told and read :shrug:

    I'm not a fan of quick detailers my self but I'm very pelased with Field Glaze and will continue to use it as a final wipe down when I use my Zymol waxes.

    Just my :2cents: though.
  3. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    I have about 7 bottles of this stuff. I like.

  4. Basically, you should buy my bottle in the FS section :applause2:

  5. milabfocker

    milabfocker Jedi Nuba

    I appreciate everyones' timely input. I have an authorized Zymol dealer located nearby and will give the Field Glaze a try.
    If I didn't have a dealer so close I would take advantage of your offer ; however, I'm sure this thread will increase your odds of selling it in the near future.
  6. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    i like it a lot as well i just received every qd Phil has to offer plus all of cg's.. i wanna wash her and try all my new toys but it's gonna rain for the next 4 days off and on.

    i really like SV nano express and quick finish.. only problem i have with quck finish is it can be difficult to wipe off sometimes in certain weather or in sunlight as most qd's are.. whenever i have had the issue recently a few squirts of nano express has taken that oily residue right off..
  7. TheJag

    TheJag Birth of a Detailer

    Hey sorry to ressurect but i read that Zymol Field Glaze contains 13% carnuba Sap! gona be gettin some for christmas to use with my Japon wax
  8. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    i just used it on my 335 yesterday and it looked HOT...i am never too impressed with qd's but i was uber impressed yet again with field glaze.. it is super easy on/off and it added a lot of gloss. always happy when i use that stuff and there new sprayers KICK ASS.. i am still partial to swissvax but i love field glaze.. i only get about 2 full car applications per bottle though.
  9. razr007

    razr007 Banned

    ya i don't really like fast detailer sprays but i use the zymol and i love it i have used it on zymol megs. dodo swissvax nattys an a few other waxes with great results so spray away.
  10. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    So can the Field Glaze be used alone after a wash or is it better left to compliment other waxes?

    Also has anyone tried mixing the Field Glaze with waxes from other brands?
  11. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I think FG is better used on top of nuba wax's. I got to use a friends bottle once and compared it to my Sonus Nuba spritz and they were similar in looks, slickness, but Sonus was alot cheaper. FG should be fine over any nuba wax as it is not Zymol specific.
  12. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    Hmm seems like it might be what I'm looking for, while I do like the gloss from oid and fk425 I can't help but feel like I'm taking away from the look of my carnauba an replacing it with synthetic sealants, or am I way off to think that
  13. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    i have a bottle of it. i love the look it provides. i use qd's like oid and fk425 to dust off the car. if i.m going for added depth, i grab the field glaze.

    way easier to use than jw cj.
  14. lbls1

    lbls1 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I've used field glaze in the past with mixed results. IMO I feel that it adds just a tad too much unsettled haze to the zymol finishes, and it has left me with a "greasy" look at times in the past.

    A lot of people rave about it, so I would try it and see what kind of results you get from it. I am a diehard fan of zymol waxes in general, but for the money I have found one or two other detailing sprays that have performed better on my fresh zymol finishes.

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