If your goal is to keep your images from being copied on-line, your only foolproof way, is to never post images on-line... as any image can be copied... Now... if you are a professional, and your images are your source of income, there are ways to protect yourself... there is a company called Digimarc, www.digimarc.com they were one of the first companies, to offer an embedded watermark, that can prevent copies and can also track if the file has been used, or where it is being used on-line... and of course important images can be copyrighted/registered for the ultimate protection... will not protect them from being used, but, will give you the power to get repaid for their use... Digimarc will help you catch those offenders... again, what was stated earlier, nothing can prevent a screenshot, and any visible watermark/copyright can easily be removed via Photoshop, or just cropped out...
Well all the fooling around and tinkering finally lead to this...I can't tell the difference :wall: Here's what I mean, I've taken the following comparison. Here is the picture from Photobucket: Here is the picture loaded to the DB server: I've done my best to compare apple to apple but I don't know if I notice a difference, do you guys see a difference? I can see a slight difference but it's very, very minor difference. let me know what you guys think.
Right were the light is shining is were i notice the difference. The DB server picture is not as dim for the lack of words. I think it shows the marring a little better to my eyes, BUT at the same time I can see the PB picture showing the swirls around the marring better:shead:
Only a very, very, very minor difference in the vibrance of the color, not enough for it to be worth it, IMO.
yea, just as I thought, I'll keep experimenting and see where it gets me. Thank you all for the feed back eace:
the image from PB is much more pixelated... very visible in the lower right around the glow... Photoshop says they are 11.11" x 7.40" at a res of 72 I would be curious if you raised the res, if the pixelation would vanish... as i mentioned in my PM to you, consistency will be better from your single server
What??? Nobody sees the Virgin Mary in the pic?? Just me?? LOL..Good for you for investigating it Carlos, but for the very minimal difference surrounding the light, there is no difference that is substantial enough to warrant going to the expense of hosting the pics. Let Photobucket do their thing...we'll do ours. Just my :2cents:
I agree, it was neat to tinker but not worth the time and effort so I'll just continue to use Photobucket :thumb: Flash - As for the scratch, lucky for me the scratch was not deep it was more of a surface scratch so it was buffed of quite easily :thumb: