Ford F-350 Super Duty PO203

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by lifemal, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    This truck was booked for a single step swirl removal.

    The owner really likes to take good care of his vehicles, even though he uses his truck as a truck, and his suv hauls kids around.

    F-350 Super Duty is a TON of surface area, holy crap.


    Products used

    CG CWC
    Gilmoure Foam Gun
    MF Wash mitt
    2 Bucket Method with 2 Grit Guards

    CG White Clay
    CG Spray & Wipe as lube

    Engine Bay:
    CG Orange Degreaser
    CG Grime Reaper
    Misc Brushes
    CG Fade 2 Black

    Wheels and Tires:
    CG Blue Wheel Cleaner
    CG Grime Reaper for the Tires (Use it on really dirty/stained brown tires, works well, no ill effects so far)
    Optimum Opti-Bond cut 1:1 and sprayed on (my new favorite method)

    3M Blue as tape (it was early and only Lowes was open, no green tape :( )
    Menzerna PO203
    And a DAB of PowerGloss

    2 coats of Jetseal applied with a Black pad at lowest speed, was pretty happy with the rate I was able to get the truck done.
    1 coat of RBOE for depth and shine.

    CG APC cut 8:1
    AutoGlym Fast Glass

    An awesome run from the factory
    The whole truck was covered in these
    A scratch that the customer REALLY wanted me to get out


    11 hours later in the blazing sun, I was exhausted so my final pictures are pretty terrible. Bear with me here, :p


    Oh, and I wiped off the excess tire dressing after the pictures were taken, they were much more matte once I did. I do not like them THAT shiney.

    Hope you enjoyed the detail, it was a lot of work. I think he's booking me for his Wife's black Armada in a week or two. Should be fun also!
  2. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Sweet Job, I love that Colour :applause:

    My Freind who Owns the Pawn Shops has an 08 Super Duty I clean once a Month. Man that thing is a Beast. King of the Road 4 sure. :thumb:

    I think its safe to say he will be calling to get the Wifes car done soon :chips:
  3. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    OH! I forgot the 50/50

    Here it is!

    about 90% correction. The owner was more than pleased and asked me to proceed from there! Of course I offered to cut a little deeper to get it perfect for more $$$, but he said that was good enough.
  4. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    That looks Cracka Lackin Good :mounty:
  5. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That's some NICE work, and yes, a BIG truck with lots of paint!
  6. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    came out gordeous!!!
  7. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Look good.
  8. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    great result!
  9. paydirt

    paydirt Virgin Detailer

    awesome work, if you don't mind me asking, what do you use to squeeze between the cab and the bed? that spot always seems to get super dirty and water spotted on pickup's
  10. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    this time I Zip Tied my mf wash mitt to a wooden dowel and went to town :p worked pretty well

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