CG Pete's 53 vs. Pinnacle Souveran

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Deep Gloss Auto Salon, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    I went a little "balls out" over the summer and accumulated some redundant products.. I am now trying (man it is hard to resist) to streamline my product usage.

    WHAT:roll: Souveran being as good as destiny... WOW, that's a bold statement!!!
  2. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Souveran vs destiny? haha, never...
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :nod: I agree, I'm having a hard time trying to compare Souveran with Destiny...:no: just can't see it but mind you I've never tried Destiny :confused: but I have tried Souveran and many other Zymol products and even Zymol Concourse leaves Souveran eating it's dust now I can only imagine Destiny :rollinglaugh: :rollinglaugh: well that's just my :2cents:
  4. Whip Appeal Neil

    Whip Appeal Neil Jedi Nuba

    hehe, i thought so!

    man...all that stuff on AG is leaving me breathless...well, thats why im here now
  5. jfsully

    jfsully Virgin Detailer

    I think in many ways the Pinnacle people are almost like "zainoites". Souveran is a great wax but I agree with the others in the opinion that 50/50 is as nice. I have recently purchased Lusso Oro and it seems to be closer to the old Pinnacle Paste Glaz maybe a little wetter.

    Petes is a good wax but I prefer 50/50 in the CH line

    Souveran is good on solid dark colors but does tend to mute any metal flake. I also have some DoDo Double wax on order and am looking forward to trying it and a "persona non grata" 's wax to compare before possibly taking the dive to buy Zymol Vintage.
  6. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    I need to try that CG 5050 someday..
  7. gsxr1100

    gsxr1100 Virgin Detailer

    I love CG5050 wax. Easy to use and lasts....Do not need much! :)
  8. Todd

    Todd Banned

    Cool thread and great read. So Lusso and Souveran over 50/50 and Petes 53, correct?
  9. advanced detail

    advanced detail Two Bucket System Washer

    I 've never used souveran but I do use 53 it looks nice on dark paint. I also want to try 50/50
  10. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    Oh yeah so far I haven't experienced Pete's muting any flakes..

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