My Impreza WR1...

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Clark, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Superb job in every single facet of the detail. Great looking car.
  2. JazzD

    JazzD Virgin Detailer

    Amazing car and attention to detail. Stunning results.:applause2:
  3. dionnfr

    dionnfr Birth of a Detailer

    Excellent job. really liked the engine shots.
  4. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Clark, really like the mods on your car and now of course it is "super clean" as the guys would say on DW "cracking correction".
  5. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Simply stunning as expected. Attention to detail is second to none, well done indeed :thumb:
  6. Clark

    Clark Two Bucket System Washer

    who cares, mine was out in the rain 2 days after it was detailed haha!

    Thanks guys!
  7. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    nice work. nice color. nice car.

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