Why don't more people get their vehicle detailed?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by TS, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    but what I don't like about it is they feel jelous when they see our cars...they are so jelous, they start hating us...I think going out Friday night should have an additional luxury tax...how about Friday night disease tax, where a movie ticket would cost $15 instead of $10...:yikes:
  2. GoFastSS71

    GoFastSS71 Virgin Detailer

    I bet we can create a Top Ten List of why people don't have their cars detailed.

    1) Its only a car.
    2) I don't want to spend the money.
    3) I have no extra money since my kids want new Nikes
    4) I wash it thats good enough
    5) I'm too busy clubin
    6) Gee I can see the Cubbies and drink all day for that price.
    7) I bought some NuFinish.
    8) A clean car is a sign of sickness.
    9) When it rains it gets cleaned
    10) I don't even change the oil let alone have it detailed

    Ever see a 7 series BMW that never has been washed since it left the showroom?
    Rims so disgusting it would take a soda blast to clean them.
    People are amazing.
  3. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Haters are everywhere, far and wide.
  4. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    most people lease there cars . so they feel why detaili it ?? its going back in a couple years anyway ...
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :nod: I would agree with you, shame there are so many haters out in the world but I think it all comes down to jealousy :confused:

    As far as the question goes, I've found that it comes down to vehicle owners visually seeing the difference. Once you show them the difference they are blown away and realize what a good detail is all about. Also the mass media or the concept of 'detailing' doesn't help. Well what everyone here has said is true, it just comes down to how much you appreciate your own personal possessions. Even though I don't have much time now a days, I do my best to maintain my vehicles but I grew up that way, that's how I was raised to appreciate and respect...just my :2cents:
  6. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    You know, people just don't get it. Not many people are like us. Not many people get sheer and utter pleasure out of spending 6-10 hours every Saturday morning with their car, detailing it. I have tried to get my friends into proper car care, when they see my car they are all about it. When I ask them to meet me at my warehouse at 7am Saturday for a full day detail (for free, just provide a few beers and pizza) most of them flake. I think it comes down to personal pride, respect for your vehicle and dedication to doing a good job. God knows, I was one of those people. With the help of the people on this site I have overcome that and am now locked into a serious hobby that gives me more satisfaction than anything else! I remember I got quoted $600 for a full correction detail by a guy about 1-1/2 years ago. I balked and went and got my car "detailed" at one of those wash, wax and buff places for $45. I thought that was a lot. About 8 months later I got a good deal on a PC and some product, used. I used the stuff and wanted to learn more about the art of detailing. I toiled in OTC hell for a while, but eventually made it back here and found all I needed. Now, if I could only stop buying waxes...lol.
  7. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    I just think it comes down to the simple fact that they dont know better...new cars today come with swirls from the dealer, so to an average person its normal. CD, dvds get scratched and they work still, its that mentality. Now as far as detailing, lets really think about this. I, an average person, can go to a car wash and be in and out in 15 minutes, and have the car "cleaned". Paint clean, tires shiny, and interior wiped down, and smells like cherries...for 50 bucks? win! Now here comes this guy who wants upto $1000 to get the same thing? and they want the car for 2 days!? I am getting ripped off! Figure how to handle that objection and watch your business soar!
  8. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    As far as Dogs/Cats-vs-Cars :shead:

    I would walk away from ANY kinda car ever made if it was put to me as a choice.

    Dogs/Cats are more a part of the Family then an Automobile, I mean whens the last time you Slept with the Car under the sheets between you and your wife?:giggle:
  9. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    this is just the sad truth about the world. many people feel like theyre getting scammed/ripped off when getting quoted. what helps when trying to convince a customer is showing them the results of a real detail. i usually show them the difference in how my car feels and theirs. i always explain the benefit of claying and waxing a car to prevent from damage to the clearcoat/paint that in the end costs more to repair. when i point out oxidation or heavy swirls on a car the customer usually goes "ohh damn..." and thats when they dont mind dishing out a few bucks.
  10. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    it makes me so sad and so mad at the same time when I see jelous people. Jelousy is what turned an angel into the devil in the first place...
  11. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    I think the biggest thing that bothers me is that when people are buying a vehicle new for upwards of $30,000.00 they dont have a problem spending $1000.00 for protection packages from the dealer...because whats an extra $1000.00 when I'm spending 30 grand, but then after the vehicle is purchased these same people wont pay a dime for a propor detail. Its just such a backwards way of thinking.
  12. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    One big difference here, I believe, is that with a "dealer protection package," the cost can be financed into the loan or lease.
  13. TS

    TS Virgin Detailer

    Regardless, Berscht is absolutely right. The general mentality is completely backwards.
  14. Nontoxic

    Nontoxic Virgin Detailer

    I'm not sure it's a backwards mentality. People buying new cars are not buying the protection packages like they use to. When they do, it's because they percieve value in what they're buying. Same goes with any kind of detail job whether it be $50 or $500. The customer needs know what they're getting and the value of it. We need to educate,explain and sell ,be it higher resale value, pride of ownership,convenience,professional work, protection of investment,others being envious, gift for someone,vehicle will be better or cleaner than new, best products or methods, etc, etc. It all takes time. That's why we need to latch on to the one's we get and have them refer others . This way they're doing the selling for us and it slowly becomes a little easier the next time around. Just my 2 cents.
  15. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    ooh good point. I have done more than one car for people because they liked the work on the 1st one. That helps also. I did a car for a guy last year, and he had me do all 3 he had this year plus one for a friend of his. word of mouth can be one of the most powerful things when it comes to detailing.
  16. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    Well put, and I agree, However we dont lie like the dealers do and tell people that their paint protection will last 5 years. So the value is acaully false from the dealer. Even though products like collinite and duragloss say that they last 1 year I still tell my clients that 6 months is the max. Mind you Calgary is a cars worst nightmare.
  17. Dream Machines

    Dream Machines Jedi Nuba

    it certainly is amazing at how far society has slipped. people just dont care about stuff anymore because they get it with 12, 24, 36 or 48 months interest free. cars to them are just A to B and why do all that work when I'm getting a new one in a few years

    The people I market too and have around for open days at my 1200 sq metre shop are,

    Doctors, Lawyers, Real Estate Agents and alot of secretary's/receptionists and most of all car clubs
    I have a client who has stuck with me for a few years and wont go anywhere else as my service is unlike anyone elses and it lasts.

    he is a fussy pedantic person like me and his car is his image

    unfortunately people are becoming sloth's who have no motivation, are not inspired and just sit around and do nothing and just cant justify detailing until they see the differences first hand
    Some still cant understand where $550 to 1200 for my car services (limo's I charge 1500 to 2K for) goes

    It goes too - lights (sodium vapour, LED, halogens, metal halide's etc), machinery costs, rent of the workshop, electricity (running a 1200 watt rotary and orbital all day costs money) and due to my skills and the totally unique services that no one else in the world does, I want to get $55 to 75 per hour for my work. $65 to 75 for paint correction obviously. we just have to charge it

    People have been burnt by dodgy detailers before and thus tar us all with the same brush
    What us OCD people do is refinishing, not detailing
    the one thing that does work for me is my vehicle. the eleven year old factory PPG blue mica paint has been OCD refinished to the point that it looks better now than new cars do now.
    nice rich black moldings and wiper arms, dead flat level paint with not a flaw on it and as sharp and clear as a pool of water with glass over it and the lacquer coating over everything so nothing can possibly stick to the surface

    When people see that, they freak and say I want mine like that and pay for it
  18. TS

    TS Virgin Detailer

    Very good post, thanks man.
  19. fricker66

    fricker66 Birth of a Detailer

    I'm not a prof detailer but tend to agree that "most" people just don't see the need to keep their vehicle clean and detailed. Even some of my family members tend to put aside their vehicles and just don't care about the upkeep. One of the reasons I still have my 1989 Taurus SHO as a daily driver is the years spent devoting time and attention to keep the car as new. Even today co-workers can't believe it is 20 years old. I think some of the posts above are on point indicating most people only expect to keep their car a couple of years and don't see the need to spend time or money keeping it clean... Amazing to me but to each their own ;-)
  20. dynamictiger

    dynamictiger Virgin Detailer

    Sorry can't help myself I can see something maybe possible in a marketing perspective.

    People that are interested in their cars may use a local carwash on a regular basis.

    Some of these people would be an ideal target for the detailer to convert.

    However price would be an objection for these same people.

    There is another way.

    What about offering a fotnightly car wash service. Not necessarily at the same price as the car wash.

    Offer a loyality program which works one of two ways. The car owner can either have teh car detailed at the front of the package and pay by installments over six months or they can opt to the next package which is a fortnightly wash at price x which includes a six monthly detail for the same price. Obviously you build the detail cost into the washes cost over the six months.

    Targets for this service are for example cleaners, pool service companies, any commercial enterprise which is trying to promote itself in this area. After all their clients see their vehicle and as such should be seen to be as clean as possible etc.

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