Business help/advice

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by lifemal, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    So as you know, I'm working on going solo with my business. I need some help with advertising ideas (how, what, where) and eventually finding a decent place to work out of. I've decided on a name that isn't taken, so now I just need to get a business license (hard when trying to get a polisher and more equipment at the same time, lol)

    I posted a Craigslist ad, my friends have been spreading via word of mouth, and my dad posted an ad at the refinery, which has provided 3 hits so far.

    Also, what do you guys use to keep track of all your cars/dates/times/customers and all that? I'm using the calendar on my BlackBerry, but it would be nice to be able to check how busy I am in a week with just a glance.

    And, working a full time job 8-4, I would REALLY like to eventually quit my day job and detail full time. How/when did you guys who have done that make the jump? Was it scary?

    I'm basically looking for all business/advertising/general advice as I can get. I've got all the mad skills, I just need a little bit of direction.
  2. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Personally, I would only quit my day job if you reach that point in time where you have a large enough client base to support it. However, I don't see myself ever doing that and plan on keeping the full-time job and having detailing as a weekend job. Plus you can make your own schedule doing the detailing thing.
  3. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I'll try to help...:shead:

    1) Join your local Chamber of Commerce. I did this several years ago and it is by far the easiest/most cost effective way to get quality clients...C.E.O.'s, C.F.O.'s Human Resource Managers<< (These folks will get you the most biz, as they are in control of there employees future, and emploees tend to listen to the advice of the H.R. dept) I am also the only Member who is in this line of work. And have been told I was a fresh face/blood that they"C of C" are looking for. So this is a hugh advantage for sure.

    2)The local Country Clubs,....While you will run in to alot of Assholes here it can prove to be a Gem. Getting your foot in the Door will be the tricky part here, but it can be done....(Bribery/free details to Magmnt) You could set up there almost exclusivally and rack up as folks do 18 rounds of Golf and come back to a freshly detailed ride. You are providing a Service to the Country Club also that there competition may not.

    I have dozens of good ideas on getting biz, but I have to get back to work...A customer purchased a Jeep Wrangler off the Net out of Arizonia that has more issues then me...:thud: And its kicking my butt at the Moment,but I'm going back at it now....
    I will come back in for a break in a while and shoot out another idea or 2 if you would like?

    The most important thing is you need to be sure that you are ready to take on this Career, and have the best Knowledge(This Site is the Best) and Tools. As once you get your foot in the Door Your first Detail will Decideif they will coutinue to use you or not....I t also takes a little wit...I will explain later as the Wrangler has my Number RIGHT NOW.....Gotta Go, Good Luck...:chips::chips::chips:
  4. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    GREAT advice. I'll look into the COC and country club routes -- maybe I can get them to carry my business card or something -- I don't know if doing it at the country club is such a possibility.
  5. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Go the golf route, I've posted it before. Most of the guys there are just like every other guy, want everything everyone else has. It's like a viral thing there with amendities.
  6. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    So I should just walk in (with appropriate attire, of course) and ask to speak with the general manager? Should I ask that they pay me for each car? Or do I charge the owner of the car? I'm not exactly sure how it would work best.
  7. c32AMG-DTM

    c32AMG-DTM Birth of a Detailer

    I would think the owner. And, you should consider structuring it so that club members get a "discount" off of your regular rates. Agree that you should look presentable when discussing the venture with Mgt., and explain how it could be mutually beneficial for both organizations. Good luck! :thumb:
  8. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :shead:Why not go both routes, or even more?

    Yes the auto owner pays you, not the Country Club.:thumb:

    As far as chamber, I 've got lots of good Millionaire Customers there....Unless thats not who your tryin to target:giggle:
  9. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    I like Craigslist bc it is free I have 2 clients from there but what is annoying is the 100 others that only price shop and want you to compete with the other "detailers" on CL that offer $30 washes and can not understand why I will not set a price over the phone or email and I need to see the car. But heck it is free and has netted me 2 really good clients. I was just about to join the Chamber here but we move this friday so I will wait till I am settled in my new area. There is a lot of great infor here thanks everyone for the advice and thanks lifemal for starting the thread
  10. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I think that one of my limitations is that I'm in a town/area with 75,000-100,000 people. That's not very many people to reach out to. I'm about 2 hours north of Seattle.
  11. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    How much experience did you guys have with detailing (Time/# of cars detailed) wise before you started to charge? (And how much was your starting rate.) Did you guys just offer free details to friends and what not to gain said experience, or just detail your own cars when the time came?

    I apologize for all the questions - just really interested on this topic.
  12. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Honestly, this Biz can be Brutal...

    You also need to remember that you have to save for the following>>> Health/Life Insurance, Retirement(How long can you last)
    Plus there are so many cut-throat detailers that will low ball the prices so bad its hard to compete at the Level WE are accustomed to.(Worst part is they ussually only last a year or less before they give up, just long enough to piss a bunch of people off and make it where People are reluctant to trust another Detailer)
    98% of Clients could care less about Paint Corrections and $900 Details. So for me they are far and few between(The Wrangler I'm working on today 12-16 hours will only net me $500)

    The Wrangler is Calling so I gotta Go, check back next
  13. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I've been detailing for 5 years now, and washing my parents cars with 2bm for another 4 years before that. I used to do a detail for dinner here and there, or a few bucks for gas when in highschool. Now that I would like to have another source of income (pending layoffs, and my car could use another 150hp or so :D) so I'm making a big push to get my name out in my local area and get some business going.

    Right now for the month of July I'm offering wash/clay/waxes for $40. I'm booking up like crazy on them because a lot of people want their car looking good for the summer. I've made a few really good contacts and my business cards are being printed right now. (I work in a print shop so that's an added bonus. 500 cards for $8? HELL YEAH.

    All in all, I've probably polished almost 100 cars over the years (Even though I'm only 21, lol) and I have struck through on 2 of them. Paid to fix it of course. One was an obscenely thin clear coat, one was me being young and dumb.

    I give friends a discount and they spread the word, usually give a wash/clay/wax + interior detail for a birthday. It's cheap for me and I get to spend a few hours with them.

    When it comes to friends and family I'm not too picky about prices, but with customers I make sure they know what they're paying for and what they're going to get.
  14. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    The 1st Car I ever did for Money in 1981 was a 308 Ferrari. I was 16 and charged $35 for a wash-n-wax:giggle:

    I got started when my dad use to do his twice a year Wash-n-Wax, He was a Military Man so Details were in his Blood and he musta given Me a Tranfusion:thud:

    Gotta Go
  15. GoFastSS71

    GoFastSS71 Virgin Detailer

    Try those coupon mailers. They will let you pick the area you want to canvass. It could be a low cost way of saturating an area with your services offered. Also people love to get things free. Offer something for free while collecting data. Perhaps a free interior detail, keep it simple. Have people give you their name, e-mail, address, phone number by signing up via a phone call to you or an e-mail to you. Now you can send them advertisements of your services. Most freebies requiring signing up are for data collection.
    You will have your own mailing list.

    Keep the day job till your night job takes over your days.
  16. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Elaborate please! You're making me scared to start my own side company. I think I'm going with High Tide Detailing. Last night for my birthday I got awesomely drunk and started throwing some discounts out to some regulars so we'll see where we go from here. :doh:
  17. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    are you awesomely hung over today?
  18. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah I'm not too pretty looking today. I came back to the house at 3 and ate like 2 boxes of Lean Cuisine and passed out cold. Highline 2 is supposedly coming in about 10 minutes! Always something to look forward to.
  19. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    "awesomely drunk" is that Jersey slang?? I have never heard that...

    You are being provided some great info here, I have nothing to add after reading all of the responses...good luck to you!!
  20. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    LOL, maybe they were toasted to and won't remember. :yikes:

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