Just an interior

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Nica, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    This vehicle belongs to a co-worker, I owed her a favor so what better way to repay but with a detail. I asked her what she would like to have done to her vehicle and right a way she said interior. Well here is what I was up against:





    She told me about these stains and apologized, I on the other hand thought to my self, good I’ll get to test the steamer some more :thumb:








    Well it all looked good to me, so first things first. Got my steamer out, toped it off with RO water, plugged it in, let it worm up to put it to good use:

    First I removed all personal items and placed them in a bag, along with the floor mats:

    Like all interiors I start off with vacuuming the interior:


    Once I was satisfied with the vacuum, it was time to steam the interior:

    This is my process, I first apply the steam directly on the surface:

    Followed up with a wipe with the yellow micro fiber towel:

    I repeat this process for the entire interior, I enjoy steaming the vents:

    I also use my compressor to completely remove any access water:

    Once all vinyl trims had been steamed it was time to concentrate on the seats, once again yellow micro fiber towels are used along with the steam:

    Those stains on the rear passenger seat were pre-treated with diluted Meg’s APC and followed up with steam:
    This combo provided satisfying results :thumb:

    The carpet was also steamed, same way as the seats. When doing interior I go through quite a few yellow micro fiber towels, but not an issue as they are meant to be used and abused :thumb:

    Once the entire interior had been steamed, I also steamed the floor mats. Well that about completes this interior detail, I had time so thought I’d give the vehicle a wash. It was a nice sunny day…..but I still washed the vehicle with ONR:
    Once I was done giving the vehicle a quick wash, I couldn’t help but inspect the paint and boy does it ever need a polish..:gasp:…again :waiting:

    Well, that about completes this detail. Main focus was on interior so please excuse a few spots I missed during the wash :scared: Here are the end results:










    Well that completes this detail, my apologies for the lack of pictures but I just wanted to get this one done with. My co-worker was pleased with the end results and kept apologizing for the mess, I personally didn’t mind it…to be honest I’ve seen worse..heck my old beater/daily driver (Jeep) is probably worse then her vehicle :shrug:
  2. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Theres that damn Steamer you keep showing off (I want 1):hmph:

    Man that thing was trashed, Finished product looks Magnificent:applause:
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    The steamer sure comes in handy and I put it to good use all the time, what would I do with out this steamer....I wonder if I could go back to the way I used to do interiors :shakehead: probably not :p:

    Glad you enjoyed it, not as many pictures but just thought I'd share anyways :flirt:
  4. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    You do great work Nica! Interior turned out looking like new :thumb:
  5. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    man, posts like these make me wanna spend more money. I need me a steamer!

    great work on the interior nica!
  6. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Great work Carlos. Can you post the info of your steamer (brand name, cost, where you bought it)?
  7. mclarenf1racer

    mclarenf1racer Virgin Detailer

    you made that interior a million times better, i hope she keeps it tidy now.
  8. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Looks great Carlos!
  9. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Denzil showed me a steamer that Wally World sells, I think I'm going to really have to get it now, it looks like it makes the process just soo easy....

    I know that one from WW wouldn't be as good as yours, but its a start!! Sometimes that caked on soda in the cup holders is a bitch to get out! I'm sure the steam knocks it out of the park.

    Looks good Carlos! How long does something like that take ya? 2 hours?
  10. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Awesome job Carlos. The steamer looks a heck of a lot nicer then my lil Shark steamer lol
  11. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Hey Nica, just curious as to what you do full time? I always thought you were a full time detailer and had your own shop, but you always talk about co-workers so I guess not :shrug:
  12. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Carlos, another great job well done! I absolutely adore it!
  13. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Nicely done Nica, looks good as new :thumb:

    What are the chances the steamer could melt certain plastics though ?
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Glad you enjoyed it, having a steamer is nice but there are other ways to get the job done...it's just fun using a steamer and faster ;)

    Here is some info on the steamer:
    detailing steamer, therma kleen steam machine, Vapor Chief steamer Kleen Car | professional detailing training | auto detailing steamers, products, equipment

    I hope so too...but something tells me I'll see it like this in the future :shrug:

    Thank you Denzil :peace:

    Well you'd be amazed how strong steam is, I know I'm impressed with this steamer. Any steamer will help and once you incorporate the steamer in your detailing regiment you'll wonder how you detailed before.

    This interior took me about 3hrs. It used to take me about 4 to 5hrs for interiors like these, with the steamer it's much faster :thumb:

    Using steam is completely different then the traditional method, it just takes a bit to get used to that's all...I know it took me a bit to get used to my steamer :shrug:

    Well my profession is Electrical Engineer, I work for a utility company and I enjoy my job...I detail on weekends, holidays...well just about all my spare time is dedicated to detailing..weather it be my own vehicle or my friends vehicles I just can't get enough when it comes to detailing. I don't own a shop but thanks to DB Boss I have a bay unit that I can use as I see fit...so I use that to keep majority of my bulk orders ;)

    Glad you enjoyed it super :peace:

    Glad you enjoyed it Carn, to be honest this steamer is quite strong...so strong that I now have a different respect for it...what I mean is that this steamer is capable of removing weights of rims...I found this out the hard way on my Volvo :shakehead: so like I said I'm just really careful when using it. Best part the steamer has three settings, I call them small, medium and large :giggle: but really the three settings are preset steam pressure.

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