were'd my polish go...?

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by adamski, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. adamski

    adamski Virgin Detailer

    i just got a new Makita 9227 after years of resisting and using muscle...not smart i know. How come when i put polish or compound on the car is't gone in 30 seconds? I've started of with a Meg's purple 8" 7000 pad and 600 RPM. After less than 30 sec's my compound has gone. I've wet the pad with QD, used more compound 'till it starts to splatter, but it just goes in no time. What could i be doing wrong??? :shead: BTW, the paint is full of water marks etc... if that makes any diff'.

    Thanks adam
  2. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    what exactly do you mean the compound is gone? Do you not see it on the car?
  3. adamski

    adamski Virgin Detailer

    Exactly! it's as though its totally broken down (Meg's fine cut #5). if i put pressure on the pad some compound comes out, so there is some there, but not like you see in the video's etc... I can put abead of compound/polish on the surface and say 25mm diameter on the pad, but unless i keep taking it from the bead it just goes... i'm stumped.:shead::shead:
  4. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    i don't think it's supposed to look exactly like the videos you see. I'm really not sure what's making it disappear, but i'm sure you could get more help if someone were beside you while you were doing this
  5. Dave KG

    Dave KG Jedi Nuba

    Megs polishes hiding! Favourite trick of the old school Megs polishes - dont panic :)

    Does the machine still feel like its gliding, quiet pad? If so, dont worry, just keep polishing - the polish is still there, its in the pad and working away happily. The reisude will come back after a minute or so, and then work this residue until clear. Keep working the polish until it starts to dust, or in the case of a compound, until the marks are removed - then use a dediacted finishing polish to refine the finish :D
  6. adamski

    adamski Virgin Detailer

    Thanks Dave,

    It looks like the compound has totally broken down but as you say the pad feels like its still running on product. I've been to afraid to keep running over the same area but after what you've said, i'll give it a go. The car i'm working on is not in great condition so i can experiment. Thanks pal.:worship2:
  7. Dream Machines

    Dream Machines Jedi Nuba

    invisible polish, the next big thing hehe'
  8. TheJakeR

    TheJakeR Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I get this same thing with my MG M105... sometimes the polish will flash in as quick as 15seconds or so...

    This what I do, its kind of a spin off the of the Kevin Brown method:
    when the polish looks "invisible" or flashed, take some distilled water and spray it over the surface you are polishing (don't wipe anything off yet). If you understand capillary action, the water droplets will pull some of the polish out of the pad and continue to work it in the paint. Wipe clean when you are done with your polish :]

    Keep in mind this technique is with the unigrit abrasives, those that don't break down like a traditional compound.

    give the water a try with #5 too, it can't hurt!!

    best of luck,

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